~ topic: indonesia ~

01.10.11 musikal laskar pelangi
13.08.09 bolbal tees
03.02.07 Jakarta flood
20.08.06 Jakarta day 4
19.08.06 jakarta day 3: GG Guest House
19.08.06 jakarta day 3: Bogor’s market and food
18.08.06 jakarta day 1+2: arriving and wedding
20.07.06 pangandaran
19.07.06 Massive Offline!
17.07.06 another tsunami
29.05.06 where to donate
30.01.06 bird, hat, and murder
02.10.05 another one!?
17.09.05 IAF2005
17.08.05 missing cheques
03.01.05 the tsunami
30.12.04 wedding vs. natural disaster
08.12.04 traffic rants
07.12.04 TMII photos
22.10.04 the scary FPI “cleaning” act
21.10.04 the new president
08.10.04 the band and the first man
06.10.04 mosquitos issues
05.07.04 presidential election
16.03.04 fine ticket part 2
13.03.04 girls night out
27.01.04 arrrrgggg!
05.10.03 pengamen
19.09.03 bajaj
16.09.03 traffic jam
17.08.03 RI anniversary
05.08.03 marriot bomb
03.03.03 blackout!
24.01.03 container arrived
23.01.03 Driver’s License + seaport
21.01.03 Bali photos
19.01.03 back from Bali
16.12.02 at noush’s place
08.12.02 lots of party
22.11.02 consulate problem
12.10.02 generationrice party
31.01.02 banjir bandang
17.08.01 indonesia 56th bday
23.07.01 another new president
18.01.01 indonesia on weblogs
13.01.01 i’m still alive….

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