~ flying yoga ~

12 May 2014

trying out Flying Yoga... super fun!

Last week, I was in Jakarta for 4 days. My dad was admitted into the hospital due to some spine and nerve problems, and I flew immediately to see them… But that’s probably a different story and a different entry.

Anyway, I was there to keep my mom and dad company. Their gym was right across from the hospital, a very convenient distance. So I managed to work out almost everyday, using Vio’s guest pass (thank you, Vio!). And surprisingly, the gym has Flying Yoga class for free! I’ve been wanting to try this class for a long time because it looks fun… But Flying Yoga classes in Singapore are either far from my house, conducted in an inconvenient time, or very expensive… or all three.

So this time, I made time to try this class, dragging Vio along to the class. And it was super fun!

trying out Flying Yoga... super fun!

Compare to the regular yoga class I attend regularly (I take hatha and vinyasa classes every week), this flying yoga class feels very easy… Maybe because I’m only trying out beginner poses. But I love the fact that I can go into inversion poses without much effort. Being upside down in flying yoga is soooooo easy compare to doing headstand/handstand! there are no pressure or strain on the shoulders or wrists, And what’s left is only a comfortable feeling. and the whole flying sensation is very soothing, relaxing and fun at the same time.

Supposedly, with flying yoga, you can get the benefit of inversion (like the relaxation and fixing alignment issues) without the straining issues.

trying out Flying Yoga... super fun!
trying out Flying Yoga... super fun!

Since everything feels easy (cruching and leg-lift felt easier than done on the ground), I went crazy trying out all different poses, swings and stretches. Fortunately, my mat-neighbor was very good at this. Her name was Erna and she could do all the weird hanging poses. And she didn’t mind helping me going into poses and all. So she was teaching me all kinds of things, until finally the teacher had to stop us because we started to go into poses that was too dangerous for me. Oops.

During the class I was dripping sweat, but I didn’t feel the usual fatigue I felt during a vinyasa class. In fact, I felt so energized and happy during and all through the day after class…

But the next day, I realized that even though it FELT easy, my body really did work hard… I was sore all over my back, shoulders and tummy, hahaha. So, that flying yoga class really works!

trying out Flying Yoga... super fun!

I think I’m hooked. I gotta find a flying yoga class in Singapore!