~ aina’s blanket stitch heart ~

25 April 2013

aina has been sick for almost two weeks, and that whole time, we had to stay home. we’ve gone through all the kids DVD in the cabinet, so today, we were looking for other things besides DVDs to entertain ourselves.

so, aina decided to sew.

she wants to make a heart out of felt, which in on her craft book given to her by the the babybirds family many moons ago. we digged up our felt stash and found the colors she liked…

heart-making 04.2013

i showed her how to do the first stitch, and she continued the rest. she got a hang of it pretty quicky. she has done some sewing with felt about a year ago, for our christmas decoration, but she has never done blanket stitch before.

heart-making 04.2013
heart-making 04.2013
heart-making 04.2013

not too bad for her first work… aina was very happy to master the blanket stitch and planning to make more felt stuff :)

heart-making 04.2013

~ comment (8) ~

Wah Aina makin pintar menjahit ya……nanti bikin buat oma ya.

Maudy Pojoh Kamarga | 30 April 2013 - 10:30 | reply

boleeee! aina pasti seneng kalo bikin kado2 gitu :D

thalia | 1 May 2013 - 01:17 | reply

iyaaa… oma chili juga pesen yang bentuk hati, kupu2, bunga, anjing, kucing… aaah, semua binatang ya ai :-D

chili | 30 April 2013 - 10:59 | reply

hahaha, banyak amaaat! nanti aina mo ngelamar jadi asisten di plushie store-nya chili.

thalia | 1 May 2013 - 01:18 | reply

Itu rapi banget ya buat anak seumur Aina! :O
Top banget deh, kakak Ai!

ummu umar | 1 May 2013 - 11:25 | reply

makasii tante niez :) smoga aina tetep suka dan ga bosen jait menjait… hihih *ambisi emaknya*

thalia | 1 May 2013 - 01:21 | reply

waaah impressive sekali ainaaa :)

jeanette | 16 May 2013 - 02:42 | reply

makasii tante jeanette! :D

thalia | 7 June 2013 - 11:22 | reply