~ Sigur Rós live! ~

23 November 2012

when i was pregnant of aina, there were two CDs in constant rotation: the Soundtrack of Lily Chou-Chou and a compilation of Sigur Rós. there is no way i can see Lily Chou-Chou performing live — since she’s a finctional character. so when i heard that Sigur Rós was coming to Singapore, i immediately bought three tickets… for me, ari and aina. i was kinda hoping that maybe aina might remember from the time when she was in my tummy… :D

it was aina’s first evening outdoor concert. she’s been to a few outdoor concerts, but they’ve always been during the day. so, she was excited. i made sure she had an afternoon nap so that she can stay awake that night.

i packed picnic blankets and the camera. we had to wear our rainboots, because rain poured heavily a few hours before the show started.


it was soooo hard to find a taxi, most likely due to the heavy rain. so we ended up about an hour late. we met up with ari (who went straight from the office) and grabbed dinner at Plaza Singapura before walking to Fort Canning around 8pm… an hour late.

by the time we entered the Fort Canning Green, the band hadn’t started and the back area was still rather empty. so we decided to sit in the back (more child-friendly), close to the drinks tent. we spread our picnic blanket and settled there for an hour until the band started (two hours late).

sigur rós live
sigur rós live
sigur rós live
sigur rós live
sigur rós live
sigur rós live

then it started. i was worried that aina would get bored, but she ended up enjoying the music. we could barely see anything, because everyone stood up as soon the band started. but Sigur Rós’ live music is quite magical and soothing even if we couldn’t see the stage.

sigur rós live
sigur rós live
sigur rós live
sigur rós live

we left during the last song. even though aina kept saying that she wanted to stay until the show ends, she looked super exhausted. we thought, it’s better to leave now before she would fall asleep and we’d have to carry her all the way home.

i guess it was a good time to leave, because as soon as we stepped out of the venue, it started to drizzle. and when we got into the bus home, the rain poured like crazy… all the sudden, the thunderstorm started again.

from what Booi told me, the rain started when the Encore of the show started. and the rain continued to get harder along with the song ascending in rhythm and sound. and the rain ended at the same time the encore ended.

that sounded really cool.

~ comment (4) ~

coooooolllll :-)

chili | 5 December 2012 - 12:53 | reply

hihihi, gaya ya, aina ngonseran :D

thaila | 7 December 2012 - 10:39 | reply

Bootsnyaaaa <3 Iyatuuuu, Booi heboooh ceritanya pas bagian encore. Hihihi. Ampe merinding ngebayanginnya. Uh uh uh ngiriiii! *kraying* Aina kewl banget sih bisa diajak asik bareng :) Semoga bener nih gosipnya mereka bakalan ke Jakarta!

nyanya | 5 December 2012 - 11:18 | reply

amiiin! semoga main di jakarta juga yaaa! :D

thalia | 7 December 2012 - 10:38 | reply