~ Great Eastern Women’s Run 2012 ~

11 November 2012

Great Eastern Women's Run 2012

yay, i did it! i finished the 10k of Great Eastern Women’s Run 2012 and i felt good :)

this is my second race this year. it’s supposed to be the 3rd, but i skipped the Shape Run due to fever. and after Shape Run, i fell sick a few times and ended up with Shingles, which screwed all my training. so, i’m very happy that i could finish this one.

as usual, i’m running with Shinta, my running buddy. we decided to wear blue, because it would be easier for ari to spot us in the sea of red. and i think it worked :)

Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012

i also got my 10k personal best, with chip time of 01:05:05 (preliminary result, because they don’t release the official result until 21st November). with average pace of 6’30” min/km, that was much better than my Sundown 2012 time.

the route was good. scenic, flat and fun. no congestion. and i think it’s one of the well organized races. and finishing at The Float is just really cool :)

aina and ari came along, and waited for me near the Flyers. she made me another cheering flag, this time it’s drawn on both sides.

Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012

it was fun! the camp area was also full of fun things to do for kids. i guess this is a women’s run, so not only did it have a powder tent, it was also the most kids friendly race i’ve ever been. great job!

Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Shinta & i are in blue, for easy spotting :)

Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
Great Eastern Women's Run 2012
that’s me, in blue :)

Great Eastern Women's Run 2012

i really like this race. maybe i’ll try their half marathon next year (if i like running half, that is :P)

more photos at the great eastern women’s run 2012 flickr photo album.

~ comment (8) ~

Kereeeeen. Cepet banget. Buseeet! Huhuuuy! Congrats, binggi!
Gue masih payah nih napasnya. Terus kalo ngebut dikit suka mual. Kaya kemaren sprint pas mo finish ih mual gitu dong. Harusnya engga kan ya.

nyanya | 13 November 2012 - 03:18 | reply

eh gue juga suka mual2 lho kalo lagi latian. katanya sih, itu artinya kecapekan… dan otaknya kurang oksigen karena dipake ama tempat yang lain. diturunin aja intensitas workoutnya jadi lebih santai… itung2 istirahat…

thalia | 13 November 2012 - 06:20 | reply

wah hebat. bener juga kalo pake merah mana kelihatan? untung pake biru.

mimi | 13 November 2012 - 05:08 | reply

hehe iya ma. aku sih biasanya emang ga pernah pake baju yang dikasih ama racenya. biar keliatan :) denger2, katanya pamali… tau deh bener apa engga, hihihi.

thalia | 13 November 2012 - 06:21 | reply

congrats thal! new PB… awesome!

ninit | 14 November 2012 - 12:39 | reply

makasii niiiit! senang deh… jarang2 dapet PB soalnya. enak, jalanannya relatively rata :D

thalia | 15 November 2012 - 02:28 | reply

waahh brilliant idea tuh pake warna gonjreng biar gampang dipotret :D

Tapi dilemanya karna punya koleksi foto lari pake kaos lari yang dikasih hihihi…

Btw, foto2nya keren deh… Kok bisa tau ari ada di sebelah mana? Udah janjian yak? *pertanyaan sungguh iseng :p

crey | 19 November 2012 - 01:12 | reply

bawa aja baju racenya… jadi sehabis race, ganti jadi baju race. mayan, jadi ga basah juga, crey… hehhe.

iya, udah janjian ama ari… biar bisa pose! hahaha, desperately need good running photos, euy!

thalia | 19 November 2012 - 05:22 | reply