~ the babybirds’ iphone case ~
27 June 2012
they have arrived! ari and i now own pretty iPhone cases made by The Babybirds. we ordered them directly from Society6 site and it took them about 2 weeks to arrive, which was reasonable.
i was torn between this one (the Navajo Four) and the brown/blue case (the Navajo Seven). so, let’s see how long this one last… and when it breaks, i’ll probably get the brown/blue one.
June archives
| grouped under gadgets
| 73 words
~ comment (8) ~
Mirip sama motif ikat dari Indonesia ya.. Lagi nge-tren sekarang nih.
iya, i’ve always thought they look alike. cuma pilihan warnanya aja lain ya.
thalia | 2 July 2012 - 12:58
| reply
Dan gue beli warna pink! Hihi… Temen gue langsung komentar “duh selera lo cewe banget” sambil ngelirik case yang lagi gue pake yang berwarna shocking pink :p
hihihi, yang ada heart2nya itu ya? iya, girlyyyy! :D
thalia | 13 July 2012 - 03:27
| reply
horeee! Ga sabar juga pake iPhone case baru. Makasih ya Thal udah mau dititipin ;)
np, nya :D sukaaaa deh ama casenya. cakep!