~ Star Wars poster for @SWDBDG ~

18 June 2012

Star Wars poster for @SWDBDG

this is what ari and i did for @SWDBDG… it was a lot of fun. if we had more time, we’d probably kept going and made more people. actually, i think we will.

anyways, if you like Star Wars and are in Bandung on June 24, feel free to visit the event. it’s a free admission. they have lots of fun Star Wars things to do.

Gedung Indonesia Menggugat
24 JUNI 2012
08:00 - 22:00

i wish we could come and see the event…

~ comment (4) ~

kereeeeen! Ing mah boro-boroooo…belum beres gitu ;)) Ayooook ke Bandung pake pintu doremon :p

nyanya | 18 June 2012 - 01:01 | reply

lha, ing kan bikinnya yang si big daddy itu… udah kelar dari kapan2 dong…

*bertapa manggil doraemon*

thalia | 18 June 2012 - 06:20 | reply

itu kemaren bikin-bikin gitu sih di kanvas. Ga tau deh jadinya yang mana yg disubmit.

nyanya | 19 June 2012 - 01:15 | reply

wah keren acaranya, sayang saya di jogja belum bisa nonton

lestari | 22 June 2012 - 12:46 | reply