~ europe day 9: market shopping & going home ~

17 March 2012

after a whole week of blue skies and warm days, today the temperature dropped about 10 degrees from the previous day. and it’s supposed to rain, too. so, we finally got a taste of the cold weather…

that’s okay. we were leaving to singapore anyway. thank you god of travelling, for the kind weather while we were here!

after taking a shower and packing up the rest of our stuff, we left to find some gifts and cheese to bring home. surprisingly, there were still plenty of room left in the suitcase.

remember the Love Padlock bridges from two days ago? well, before we left Singapore, Lisa had told us about it and reminded us to bring our own padlock. so right before leaving, we bought a new medium-sized padlock with us. and last night, ari engraved our names on the padlock, by scratching our keys onto the padlock body.

our "love padlock"

when we’re done, aina insisted that her name should be in there too. so we put aina and snowy on the other side, and she was pleased with that.

our "love padlock"

so before going for cheese shopping, we stopped by Pont de l’Archevêché, the one that’s closer to our studio, not the wooden one. we looked around for an empty space, since the railing was pretty crowded with locks of all kinds.

padlocking our "love" at the pont de l'archevêché
some of the padlocks look really cool… like this fishy one

padlocking our "love" at the pont de l'archevêché

aina wanted to be next to the flowery padlock, so we put ours there… with our name facing front, instead of aina’s and snowy’s… hehe, don’t tell her.

padlocking our "love" at the pont de l'archevêché
padlocking our "love" at the pont de l'archevêché
padlocking our "love" at the pont de l'archevêché
aina took this picture :D

we then walked through the river side of the Notre-Dame. and finally, the scene looks like winter… cold and grey. something that we haven’t seen since we arrived in Europe.

notre-dame in a cold day
notre-dame in a cold day

on the way to the cheese shop, we bought some souvenirs in a gift shop right across the park from the studio. when we got to the cheese shop near Maubert metro station, we found an open-air market that just opened right in front of the shop. it turns out that we were at the Marché Maubert, the oldest market of Paris, which only opens every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. how lucky!

shopping big time at the Marché Maubert
shopping big time at the Marché Maubert
shopping big time at the Marché Maubert
shopping big time at the Marché Maubert
shopping big time at the Marché Maubert
shopping big time at the Marché Maubert
shopping big time at the Marché Maubert

so, instead of going to the cheese shop, we went crazy in that market. we hopped from one stall to another, buying all kinds of pate, cheese, mustards and sausages. i was soooo happy with the shopping session today :)

the goods from Marché Maubert
the goods from Marché Mauber

when we’re done food shopping, the plan was to walk around the St. Germain Des Prez. but the weather was getting colder and the wind is blowing harder. since the weather forecast said it was going to rain, and we didn’t bring any umbrellas nor the rain cover for the stroller, we decided to abandon the plan and went back to the studio.

on the way back, we passed Flagrant Délice Restaurant and decided to have Cheese Fondue for lunch. i have had cheese fondue once in my life, which was during my college years. but honestly, it didn’t taste like the one i had in Paris. this one, i guess the real one, was soooo goooooood!

cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice
cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice
cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice

the restaurant crew had to give us examples on how to fondue the right way…

cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice
cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice
cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice
cheese fondue lunch at Flagrant Delice

the little restaurant was cute and the coffee was great. but we had to run home right after lunch because it started raining. but of course, the rain was nothing like the rain in Singapore or any tropical countries. it was more like a light drizzle, and aina was like, “what rain?”

but still, it got even colder as it started to rain.

so, we went back to the studio and started packing the goods we just bought. and we finally got to meet Ghislain, the apartment owner. he stopped by to put drop the extra bed for the next guests. i was glad to meet him and was able to tell him in person how much we love the apartment. and he told us that the building is 400 years old. four hundred years old! what a piece of history! we wish we can stay there again on our next visit to Paris.

at 2pm, we left the apartment and took the local RER B (instead of the express one). we had so much time before our flight leaves Paris because we abandoned the plan to walk around St. Germain Des Prez. and we ended up hanging out at the airport for a while…

colorful seats

the flight to Heathrow was quick, and the flight back to Singapore was pretty uneventful, except for its horrible service and bad food. seriously, British Airways… that blonde flight attendant bloke should look for another job that doesn’t involve service.

in the air, from paris to london

we arrived home at 9-ish at night, greeted by a very happy koda. she was so happy that she kissed everyone, including aina. and i think, aina must’ve missed koda too, because this time, she allowed koda to kiss her (where usually she would slap koda’s snout if it comes near her face).

home sweet home…

the rest of today’s pictures are in the flickr’s 17 march 2012 archive archive.


Marché Maubert
18 Place Maubert,
75005 Paris, France
only opens on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Flagrant Délice
16 Rue St Séverin
75005 Paris
phone: +33 1 46 33 42 52 ‎

~ comment (12) ~

Woowww, finally finish read all the travel entries! :))
*lap air mata* hehehe… Love the writings, photos and stories behind! :))
-seneeeng banget liat kalian ber3 + snowy had a good time… Aina apalagi yaak :))
-dan gaya lo keren thal! Jadi pengen punya boots jg hihihi dan red jeans hihihihi!!
-gimana foto ama ari udah diprint taro dompet? Kikikikk… ;)
-cuacanyaaaa kereeeeennn bgt! Clear blue sky!
-ahhh jadi pengeeeennn banget ke barcelona liat all Gaudi’s masterpiece
Tfs yaaa thal :)

Oia, koda dijagain sapa selama kalian ngga ada? *tiba2 kepikiran*

crey | 2 April 2012 - 04:14 | reply

hee, thank you, crey, udah baca2! hihihi… smoga inspiring. dan kita emang beruntung banget dalam urusan cuaca…

koda kemaren ada yang jagain kok di rumah. dia ga suka dititip di kennel, selalu stress dan sakit. jadi mending kayak gini, ada yang babysitting koda while we were gone :D

thalia | 2 April 2012 - 11:58 | reply

Wah enak ya Fondue nya, foto Aina di airport dengan kursi warna warni bagus…kisah naro lock jg bagus…

mimi | 2 April 2012 - 09:35 | reply

kalo aku ama ari sih suka banget fondue-nya. perfect buat cold weather. aina, on the other hand, ga gitu suka tuh… mungkin agak aneh rasanya buat dia.

thalia | 2 April 2012 - 11:59 | reply

dan satu lagi alasan kembali ke Paris, blom ngegantungin gembok di Pond de Arts :D

winD | 2 April 2012 - 09:23 | reply

hihihi, elo kan deket win!

thalia | 3 April 2012 - 01:23 | reply

thal, kata mamat the paris city authority regularly takes the padlocks off the bridge. gue barusan protes sama dia, “kok kita ga pernah naro padlock disitu?”and he was like.. “yah, taun depan juga udah ilang” -__-;

btw, agree on British Airways. service is a nightmare! cis! >:[

loucee | 2 April 2012 - 11:17 | reply

iya, gue juga baca… tadinya mo ngotot di Pont de Arts, soalnya bridgenya cakep. tapi setelah baca2, ternyata sering diberesin dan dicopot2in, jadi yah, di yang deket aja deh, hihihi.

ternyata BA emang gitu ya? padahal gue pikir, mereka salah satu yang terbaik lho! ternyata… :-/

thalia | 3 April 2012 - 01:25 | reply

yeay, beres juga bacanya =) menyenangkan deh thal, sekalian reminiscing hihi..hopefully someday bisa bareng rayo dan yofel ke sana deh, amiin…eh btw, european flag carriers emang parah2 thal, just like americans hihii..lufthansa ancur, klm juga =p emang paling the best asian sih, atau middle east kayak emirates juga mendingan =)

astrid | 9 April 2012 - 11:48 | reply

ah, ternyata emang european carriers emang payah ya… gue pikir justru ok, dengan harga yang muahal banget itu! kemaren tadinya mo naik Qatar, tapi transit di Qatarnya 6 jam, jadi ga jadi…

emirates emang enak sih… kayak SQ, hehe.

thalia | 9 April 2012 - 03:39 | reply

Huaaa hahaha gue pikir gue doang yang berkaca-kaca baca ini…ternyata banyaaak ya…ya ampuunn bikin kangen Paris (sok banget sih hihihi) waaa I really enjoy your writing Thalia! Makasih ya buat cerita dan share-nya (dan sempet gue tanya-tanya terus waktu gue di Barcelona).

Yessss musti baliikkk! Belom nemu jembatan itu dan narok kuncii hiahahaha…

Rina | 20 April 2012 - 04:50 | reply

wah ga naro kunci ya? haha, gapapa juga sih, katanya gembok2 itu ga bertahan lama… dibuang juga ama pak polisi. next year, next year… hihihi.

mo baca juga dong cerita jalan2 kemaren! dimanaa?

thalia | 21 April 2012 - 01:13 | reply