~ new toy: FinePix X100! ~
we got a new toy! a very pretty new toy!
please welcome the FujiFilm FinePix X100 (oooh, nice website!) to our family. we haven’t named him yet… but i’ve been trying to get to know him since this morning.
the plan is to take him with us to Barcelona and Paris next week as our main camera, leaving the DSLR home. as for now, i’ve only been taking pictures of things around the house…
trying out the pseudo-macro settings:
and, of course, aina. i think the result on this one is pretty good, considering how low the light was…
but i was most impressed with the picture of finch:
i took it last night, when everyone was asleep. the only light source was a dimly-lit bathroom to my right. i wanted to see if it can take pictures in the dark. and i guess it can.
after only a few hours of fiddling with the camera, my first impression is that the X100 takes pretty pictures. the colors are just lovely and it works very well in the dark. the auto-focus is a little slow, though, compare to my DSLR.
however, the manual focus is almost useless. i can barely use it… i had to ask aina to stay still for almost a full minute to get the focus i wanted.
but other than that, i’m loving it. it’s small, it’s pretty. hopefully it’s good enough for us to take pretty pictures during our trips. we’ll see in two weeks… hopefully, we love it even more :)
we’re no photographers, but we want pretty pictures!
~ comment (10) ~
ugh…I am green with envy! >:D
tuker ama F3 dan kawan2nya deh, hihihi :P
ihh kerrrrbang. nenteng nentengnya juga ga ribet dan ga malu maluin, efek efek fotograper beneran. ihihihik
iya, serasa fotografer beneran… tapi hasil fotonya jangan diliat dulu ya. gayanya aja deh XD
siapa tau kalo udah lebih pinter motretnya, bisa ikutan wedontdophoto, hihihi.
waaaah lucunyaaa… ini yang di promosi-in sama Lomo bukan ya? Bener Thal… buat travelling enakan yang ringan2 aja deh… ntar keberatan gembolan… :)
oh, dipromosiin ama lomo ya? ga pernah liat yang bagian situ. ini nemunya juga karena liat2 kamera ringan. tadinya pengen yang micro four-thirds, eh.. nyasar ke yang ini… hihihi.
Kecil dan cantik iiiihhh. Duh jadi pengen nyobain :D
penampilannya emang cakep banget… kita jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama (foto di blog orang), hihihi. pokoknya tampang dulu, bisa makenya belakangan, haha.