~ cycling lesson - part 3 ~

26 February 2012

it looks like aina’s cycling lesson only comes once every three months. blame it to the lazy parents.

cycling lesson

naturally, we expected aina to forget all the things she learned three months ago. and three months is a long time for a 4-year old. but, to our surprise, she didn’t!

well, she did start slow and was falling all over the place, but in less than 15 minutes, she picked up and started to cycle like a big kid… all the sudden, stopping and putting her feet down seemed more natural for her. and setting up her feet for starting wasn’t as much of a struggle than it was three months ago.

i guess, the saying was right: you never forget how to ride a bike… even it was only some parts of it.

~ comment (12) ~

aww…. aina hebat! ntar kalo ke jakarta, sepedaan sama oma chili yaaa

chili | 28 February 2012 - 01:29 | reply

tentunya oma chili! tapi pinjem sepeda kecil ke siapa ya? :D

thalia | 28 February 2012 - 12:41 | reply

wow…..aina sudah bisa ya naik sepeda, nanti bisa gonceng baby alika dong…

maudy pojoh kamarga | 28 February 2012 - 04:36 | reply

ih serem! kemaren berakhir dengan aina wiping out gara2 ngebut di turunan ga bisa ngerem. trus snowy yang di boncengan langsung gesekan dengan aspal.

ainanya sih selamet, soalnya langsung diangkat ama ari at the last second before the bike hit the ground.

thalia | 28 February 2012 - 12:44 | reply

wah oma2 uda pada senang tuh, bisa sepedaan ama Aina…Good Aina.

mimi | 28 February 2012 - 06:38 | reply

hihihi, oma chili emang hobi spedaan juga sih :D

thalia | 28 February 2012 - 12:45 | reply

Paling suka sama tempat duduknya snowy…
Kok ada yg jual ya?? Merknya apaaa?? Snowy pasti penyemangat aina..

meiza | 28 February 2012 - 11:34 | reply

kursi belakangnya comes with the bike. buatan indonesia lho! ini mereknya polygon. tapi sayangnya udah ga diproduksi lagi.

tapi sekarang banyak kok sepeda2 yang ada kursi buat bonekanya gitu… kemaren pas liat2 di toko, ada bbrp. ini yang paling kecil aja.

thalia | 28 February 2012 - 12:46 | reply

Mungkin juga Aina terbiasa liat papa dan mamanya sepedaan jadi dia udah tau mesti gimana kalau naik sepeda :D


Alderina | 28 February 2012 - 12:56 | reply

hee, thank you pon! kayaknya, gara2 sering diboncengin, dia jadi pengen banget bisa naik sepeda sendiri… diboncengin gue ga enak kali yeee? :P

thalia | 28 February 2012 - 01:32 | reply

Huraaaayy… Aina kapan sepedaan ke balestier? hihihi… jauh aje…

cynthia | 7 March 2012 - 10:03 | reply

yah, ortunya aja masih ciut buat sepedaan kesana, hihihi XD

thalia | 8 March 2012 - 02:15 | reply