~ SCMS 2011 - my first 10k race ~

04 December 2011

so, i did it! i ran a 10k race for the first time ever! this is a huuuuge milestone for me!

SCMS 2011

thank you nyoman, for pushing me to register for this event! didn’t think i could do it, but i did! :D

it wasn’t a fast running time — i did it in 1:12:54 (according to the official time-chip)… but not too bad for a beginner, right? my personal goal was to do the whole 10k run without any walking. i have achieved the goal and i’m very happy — as you can see the big smile in the picture above, hee hee.

aina made this cute little flag to cheer me during my run… it has drawings of Puni and Miru (my stuffed pandas) in their “running clothes” (according to aina). i loooove it!

SCMS 2011
cheering banner

we all had to wake up really early in the morning, which is something that all of us don’t do. ari, aina and i are night-owls.

on the way to the venue...
at the train station, on the way to the venue

but both aina and ari supported me all the way… waking up early, accompanying me to the venue, waiting and cheering for me on the sideline… i’m so blessed to have them as a family :)

while waiting for me to finish the run, aina wanted to do what her mom were doing… so she also ran back and forth in front of esplanade, pretending she’s doing the marathon.

SCMS 2011 SCMS 2011

since i started training for the marathon, aina has been expressing interests in running… i guess that’s what children do; they want to do what the parents do. today, she saw kids wearing the kids dash uniform, and has been asking if she can join them.

so, hopefully, i can do the marathon again next year and aina can join the kids dash. and she can do things that her mom does :)

SCMS 2011
SCMS 2011
SCMS 2011
SCMS 2011
SCMS 2011

more photos at the SCMS 2011 photo album.

~ comment (14) ~

I finished my 10K in 1:22 (of course for me 10K= 5K running, 5Kspeed walking). Congratz Thal!!

Aldo | 6 December 2011 - 04:04 | reply

thank you, do! so, i guess that’s a normal time, then? yay!

thalia | 7 December 2011 - 11:51 | reply

well done thalia! very proud :) eh efek lari langsung terasa ya? terlihat sangat langsing & sporty loh sekarang *wink *serius ini

angki | 6 December 2011 - 10:23 | reply

langsingan? horeee! kalo sporty sih kayaknya efek baju aja deh, ki… hihihih. thank you yaaa!

thalia | 7 December 2011 - 11:52 | reply

wah hebat, iya anak selalu mo niru ortu ya.

mimi | 6 December 2011 - 11:14 | reply

iya, aina mo ikut2an terus. ya bagus lah yang ini soal olahraga :D

thalia | 7 December 2011 - 11:52 | reply

Hebat !! Pasti asyik sekali !!
Kids Dash itu apa ?
Bagaimana caranya seimbangkan antara di dpn komp & kegiatan fisik ? Sampai Aina bs tertarik untuk sport juga. Padahal waktu Thalia & Ari untuk di depan komputer pasti jg banyak kan ? Aina jg pasti sering lihat kalian duduk di dpn komp ya ? Tp rasanya blm ada posting Aina meniru yg itu ?
Dibagi tipsnya :) pgn Nat tertarik sport, mskpn di rmh bykn liat km di dpn komp :p bisakah ??

susan | 6 December 2011 - 11:48 | reply

makasiii san! :D

kids dash itu balapan lari juga, tapi jaraknya cuma 750m… khusus buat anak2 doang. yah cukup lah buat aina :)

wah, tipsnya apa ya? kayaknya sih selama ini aina nyontek aja. emang kita banyak ngomputer/ngipad/ngifon. tapi kalo ada waktu luang, kita spend time diluar… misalnya naik sepeda, jalan2 di park… dan malem gue lari.

ini sih sebenernya lebih kayak kebetulan… kebetulan gue lagi seneng lari & sepedaan, jadi aina ikutan pengen, hihihi :P

thalia | 7 December 2011 - 11:55 | reply

congrats once again! looks life whole lot of fun!

aina got a perfect running form there. I guess it’s true what they say, run like a child!

nekudotayim | 6 December 2011 - 08:18 | reply

definitely more fun and easier than your run, hihihi. it was only 1 and a half hour, instead of 5 something hours… :P

thank you! and congrats to you too! you’re going to the Bali marathon thing, right?

thalia | 7 December 2011 - 11:57 | reply

congratz Thalia….. :D

mita | 7 December 2011 - 10:17 | reply

thank you, mita!

thalia | 7 December 2011 - 11:59 | reply

wah seru… Congrats mba!!!

noushka | 11 December 2011 - 11:08 | reply

haha, thank you noush! mungkin sekarang udah cukup fit buat ikutan The Amazing Race :P

thalia | 13 December 2011 - 12:56 | reply