~ bald spots part 6 ~
yes, part 6.
but i think it has gotten better, because the last story about koda’s bald patches and allergies was 2 years ago. and that was the last time she wore her cone-of-death.
but today, after a visit to the vet, she had to be coned again.
and she looked really sad…
but considering that her annual allergies usually consist of August-March of non-stop scratching, i think she’s been doing very well. she hasn’t been on medication at all until today. and her itching didn’t start until the last week of November… so this is actually good news.
and we probably wouldn’t be taking her to the vet if it wasn’t for the big, infected wound on her upper thigh.
she’s been scratching, biting and even pulling her own fur on that one particular spot since two days ago. and today it got pretty bad that it looks like there is a greenish-white film covering the wound. eww.
so, the vet cleaned the wound (the picture above is after the cleaning) and prescribed an antibiotic solvent. the skin around her eyes began to redden and swell, from excessive rubbing and scratching. so, we all agreed that koda needs be back on the Atopica for the next few weeks until the allergies die down.
and while waiting for the wound to heal, she’ll be wearing her cone-of-death.
~ comment (6) ~
Aww, poor puppy. Feel better soon Koda!
thank you, meegs! she’s currently under medication and been on cone for 2 days. whenever we take off the cone, she’ll frantically rubbing and scratching her eyes :-/
i’ve been following your blog for awhile now :) saya juga punya golden retriever yang sering kena kaya begitu, dan dulu pas masih tinggal di singapur saya apply cairan sulfur gitu beli dari Pet safari (sorry ga inget mereknya, kalo mo detilnya ntar saya emailin fotonya) dan biasanya dlm bbrp hari uda sembuh. Murah it’s not more than SGD 15 if i remember correctly.. cuaca sg panas sih yah… :)
hi jeanette! thanks! koda sekarang udah sembuh lukanya. dan emang ini karena alerginya yang nongol setahun sekali, setiap musim hujan. tapi boleh banget tuh foto botol si sulfur itu. siapa tau ketemu disini… emailku: thal at avocadolite dot com :)
thank you yaaaa!
..poor koda…. :(
smoga cepet ilang gatel2nya ya… sekarang udah dikasih obat sih, tapi udah 2 hari pake cone terus.