~ new hair cut! ~
hmm, one thing for sure… this new haircut isn’t as photogenic as the messy old hair.
or i was just tired. the before picture was taken yesterday, when i had enough sleep. today, i had to wake up early.
anyways, i loooooove the new haircut. it looks like my dream hairstyle in real life and that little straight cuts next to my eyes are so cute. i’m planning to grow my hair (let’s see how long the plan will last… i’m horrible at growing out hair), so i won’t be having short cut for a while, except for the fringe.
this cut was done at Evolve Salon, by Ken Hong. he’s been cutting ari’s hair, and his cut is awesome. even though i don’t look it in the picture, trust me, i was ecstatic to see my new hairdo :)
~ comment (4) ~
iya keren banget thal! cokpis (cocok pisan) ama mukamu :D
horeeee! senang nih ada yang bilang gitu. soalnya banyak yang protes pas liat fotonya. padahal gue seneng banget ama potongannya… :D
baru denger istilah cokpis, hihihi.
ih baru liat. Keren ih,Thal. Sueeerrr!!! Cocok di elo. Gue kmrn itu juga pernah pengen, tapi kata ing ga cocok. Hiks!
yay, senaaaang! kenapa ga cocok, nya? kayaknya bakal cool banget ama kacamata elo itu… :)