~ the hills are alive! ~

12 March 2011

this is aina’s total reenactment of the opening scene from the movie The Sound of Music. we were walking around the Botanic Gardens. upon seeing a vast green hill, she ran up to the hill and and started belting the song loudly…

a few kids were looking at her weirdly. i guess that was kinda weird.

~ comment (8) ~

lol! wow, she remembers the song? that’s quite impressive!

dian | 22 March 2011 - 08:30 | reply

she has memorized almost all the songs in the movie… that’s what happen if you watch the movie twice a day for the past 3-4 months… :P

thalia | 22 March 2011 - 07:16 | reply

Aina mini concert..fabolous

Irma Ardian | 22 March 2011 - 10:51 | reply

ha ha! mini concert! you’re right!

thalia | 22 March 2011 - 07:16 | reply

The power of a child’s mind to absorb and retain information. Very cute, Aina! ‘Love how Koda sits quietly and watches the performance.

yositako | 22 March 2011 - 02:56 | reply

…and occasional random bursts of those information…. :P

thalia | 22 March 2011 - 07:17 | reply

“To the sea…” so cuteeeeee…
Sementara binggi ngejar2 anaknya…
Bubu sama Koda manyun gitu kayak dagangan nggak laku… hihihi!

cynthia | 25 March 2011 - 03:55 | reply

haha iya, bubu & koda ceritanya penontonnya… tapi emang si penonton gampang bosen, jadi pas penyanyi lewat disebelahnya, penonton jilat2 ngajak jalan lagi… :P

thalia | 25 March 2011 - 01:23 | reply