~ riding around orchard & newton ~

04 February 2011

i really want to be able to ride our bike whenever i take aina to her ballet class in newton circus. the problem is, the road to and back from that area gets really busy during rush hour… and i always get nervous riding at rush hour… especially with aina on the back of the bike.

so, on the second day of chinese new year, i asked ari if he could escort us riding to newton circus, scouting the route. the road will be pretty empty, since it’s only the second day of chinese new year. perfect.

it turns out that dunearn road is not that cycling-friendly. the lanes are narrow with lots of busses zooming by, and the sidewalk is almost non-existent… too bad. but we made it to Newton Foodcourt at the Circus and had our lunch there.

newton circus, the food court

there is barely any stall open, so we opted for briyani rice and some oyster eggs. yummy, but expensive…

while we’re at it, we rode around Kampong Jawa and took some photos.

kampong jawa
kampong jawa
kampong jawa

since we knew that the way back through Bukit Timah Road will be full of construction, we decided to go back home through Scotts & Orchard. i have never try to ride on Scotts Road, but it was rather pleasant. Orchard was nice, too… (and was very empty with all those closed shops). i have never seen such desolate ION crossings.

ION, Orchard

i kinda wished that i could enjoy the less-crowded Orchard more often…

~ comment (4) ~

aina senang banget ya…kursinya masih muat..?

maudy pojoh kamarga | 8 February 2011 - 06:43 | reply

nah, itu dia, ma… aku mesti beli kursi baru nih yang lebih gede dan lebih secure. kayaknya besok mo ke toko sepeda terdekat. kemaren udah telpon, katanya mereka ada yang kita mau.

thalia | 8 February 2011 - 11:34 | reply

Rumah kampung jawa itu yg tinggal orang jawa semua gitu ?

Bagus ya, rapi, I love the post box

Irma Ardian | 9 February 2011 - 08:33 | reply

duluuuuu banget itu emang perkampungan orang jawa. tapi sekarang sih udah engga… daerah mahal bgt, hihihi.

post boxnya sama ama post box rumah gue :) http://flic.kr/p/3zZHh

thalia | 9 February 2011 - 10:30 | reply