~ hello shoes! ~

07 October 2010

after almost 2 years of not buying any shoes, i binged shoe-shopping. 3 shoes in one month!

the first one was the Camper shoes.

camper flats

it’s for the Japan trip… i don’t have any walking shoes, and i trust Camper for their quality and comfort. Camper shoes fit my feet very well… although most of the time, they don’t fit my budget. but this pair was 50% off… so, they’re mine.

the second one is a semi-boots from Ne-net at Daikanyama, Tokyo.

sheepish heels from ne-net

i was sitting around Harajuku crossing when i saw a girl wearing a very cool boots with fuzzy white things. i told ari, if i were to buy a pair of shoes here, that’s the one i wanted… two days after, as i walked around Daikanyama, there i found: the exact pair of boots sitting on the window display at Ne-net store. so, i guess, we’re destined to meet, o boots.

the third pair is clogs from Zara.

zara clogs

a month before going to japan, i told my mom that i’ve been looking for a pair of clogs. but it’s hard to find a regular clogs in Singapore, so i asked her if she could find it in Melbourne. a few days ago, i passed Zara, and saw those pair. low heels, worn out look on the leather and great wooden pattern on the sole. i was in love.

so after these three, hopefully, i will not buy another pair for the next three years. hopefully.