~ WR: her first skinny jeans ~
she’s got her first skinny jeans and a belt. she was so happy that she can dress up like us: jeans and belt. the belt was an adult belt, cut short and re-holed. but she liked it a lot because it’s, of course, pink.
and she’s getting really creative in terms of poses…
tank top - Country Road, skinny jeans - babyGAP, pink belt - unbranded adult belt, cut to size, pink flipflops - ipanema, sticker on the tanktop - from a banana
this is her usual “bellyrina” stance, borrowing the term from otty ;)
~ comment (12) ~
LOL!! Ngeliat foto ini dengan ukuran lebih besar, lebih puassss… Singapore’s next super model!
Dan ternyata Aina bener2 the bellyrina hihihi…
hahaha, beneran! berperut bulat :P gue suka banget tuh ama term bellyrina, ty… pas banget! hihihi. thank you for inventing!
wah gaya bener si nona aina, mamanya aja gak pake skinny jeans yah ha3x
mamanya jadi pengen pake juga… hihihi :P
salam kenal. I’ve been reading your journal on and off :) baru denger tentang TUM.. nice work!
Pas banget dengan kebutuhan gw sekrg ini :D
hi eka, salam kenal juga ;) smoga useful ya si TUM!
she is so cute……nice to see
y, thank you nadhika :D