~ maris stella family day ~
aina hasn’t started school yet, but we have enrolled her for next year at Maris Stella Kindergarten nearby.
today, the school is having a Family Day, which is pretty much a bazaar along with fun rides and good food. so we came. the food was awesome…and, to our surprise, aina had soooo much fun! she was very curious and wanted to try all the rides and games… too bad that some are only for 4 years old and above.
she really wanted to go into that plastic ball on the water, but unfortunately, it’s only for older kids.
but that’s okay. there is an ice cream balloon to cheer her up…
…and there are more bouncy things she can play with.
~ comment (12) ~
oh the school is so big. Aina must have a good time there.
yea, it was big. and they only used less than half of the area!
wow, aina is enjoying it very much! semoga terus pas sekolah yah ;)
yang ini sih emang enjoy banget. tapi sekolah benerannya kan ga kayak gini, hihihi… moga2 betah… dia udah ga sabar banget pengen sekolah nih…
Sekolahnya keren! Pasti Aina betah ya nanti :) Mainannya juga keren2 banget tuh. Jangankan Aina, gue juga pengen nyoba balon di air itu hihihi…
mainan2 itu cuma ada pas hari itu doang, sisanya sih biasa aja: playground, selorotan, bbrp binatang: burung2, kelinci, etc… ga seseru ini, ty… hihihi.
tapi emang gue juga pengen banget nyoba yang balon air itu… seruuuuuu!
aina, onti minta eskrimnya dung, pasti enak dan awt gak habis2 :p
thalia & otty gue pernah naek balon air ini ma Lana dan alhasil Lana nangis jejeritan :(
eskrimnya ga abis, tapi sekarang mulai kempes, hihihi.
iya, kemaren juga banyak anak2 yang nangis2 minta keluar dari situ. aina sih pengen banget… tapi ga boleh, karena masih terlalu kecil. ga tau deh, gue juga punya feeling, dia bakal panik di dalem situ, soalnya susah buat berdiri… hehe.
Maybe you can help to design the web page for Maris Stella as well :P So old-school
hahaha, iya… pake midi lagi… :P