~ tadpoles invasion ~

06 July 2010


oh no, it looks like our little fish pond has become a frog nursery. there are hundrends, of not thousands, of little tadpoles swimming around with our little guppies.

the last time it happened, we found the eggs before it hatches and took them all out of the water, preventing the invasion.

does this mean we’ll have thousands of little froggies in our backyard? aina seems to like that idea, though…


~ comment (4) ~

OMG, ieuw… hahaha :P halaman rumah gua diserang siput2 ajah udah parno, apalagi kodok2 kecill.. oh tidaaakkk :P

angki | 16 July 2010 - 08:31 | reply

hahaha, betuuuul! 3 taun lalu, halaman depan gue juga diserang siput… halaman belakang diserang ULAT BULU!!!! duuuh, mati deh, ampe gue gundulin pohon rambat di belakang…

thalia | 18 July 2010 - 06:04 | reply

Jadi inget harus ngecek kolam di belakang nih, jangan2 udah banyak kecebongnya juga. Kalo bener, berarti parah banget deh rumah gue. Di halaman depan banyak bekicot, di belakang banyak kebebong. Yuck.

otty | 16 July 2010 - 12:00 | reply

berburu kecebong dong… ntar kalo nara udah gedean, bisa diajak, ty… dulu hobi gue tuh. bawa sebatang kayu buat ngebalikin bekicotnya, trus bawa satu bowl garem. tinggal tabur… hu hu hu… :P

thalia | 18 July 2010 - 06:06 | reply