~ wooden anniversary ~

23 December 2009


it’s been five years…

ari’s parents and her sister, jessi, is staying over at the our place, just like five years ago. except the house is about three times bigger than it was. and we now have a dog and a toddler. so, i guess we are progressing and the family really is expanding :)

i love you with all my heart, my soulmate!

~ comment (10) ~

I love that picture, you both look beautiful. The time really does fly doesn’t it?! Here’s hoping for many, many, many more happy years together. Congratulations.

Meegs | 23 December 2009 - 10:48 | reply

aww, thank you, meegs! yeah, time does fly… and it feels rather weird to see how different we are now compare to us five years ago…

thalia | 25 December 2009 - 02:15 | reply

Happy Anniv!!! :)

Dian | 24 December 2009 - 04:10 | reply

thank you, di!! :)

thalia | 25 December 2009 - 02:15 | reply

happy anniversary you two!! wow, time is flying at a ridiculous rate. esp seeing your toddler becoming a big girl. :)

anna | 24 December 2009 - 04:54 | reply

thank you, anna! yes, that toddler thing actually feels pretty crazy… having a dog was different, but having a toddler controlling our lives is really something that we didn’t think about 5 years ago. well, we did say we wanted to have kids, but we didn’t think it would be like *this*.

thalia | 25 December 2009 - 02:19 | reply

baru liat foto ini *telat* .. so beautiful! pangling liat ari without the long hair.. :)

sLesTa | 4 January 2010 - 10:29 | reply

thank you, shin… ini foto pas pesta di jakarta :) masih kurus, hihihi. dan ari masih ga berambut… haha.

thalia | 6 January 2010 - 02:47 | reply

aw, you are so pretty - both of you…
Happy anniversary :o)

Barbara | 4 January 2010 - 10:47 | reply

aw, thank you, barbara :)

thalia | 6 January 2010 - 02:48 | reply