~ learning to use chopsticks ~
it was her first time trying to use chopsticks to eat noodles. last night, we had shabu shabu for dinner. as usual, ari and i used chopsticks to eat and cook. i decided to give her a pair of chopsticks and see how she like it. she loved it and even managed to pick up a few tofu with it.
so, today, we tried udon. she was very excited to be allowed to use chopsticks (instead of the usual spoon and fork) that she actually finished the whole dish all by herself! i think we’ll use not bad, eh?
if the chopsticks heighten her appetite, i think we’ll use chopsticks for a while :)
~ comment (8) ~
waaaa..aina kok bisa sama kaya murid2nya “aunty Jessi”, minggu lalu baru aja blajar makan Udon pake sumpit!!hahahahaha
lucu deh liat aina makan pke sumpit…
umur segitu gw dl blm bs pke sumpit..hehehe
haha, iya sama! gue juga bisa makan pake sumpitnya udah gedeeeee banget. umur segini mah masih struggling ama sendok garpu… (aina juga masih, siiii….) :P
sumpitnya lucu deh Thal .. gak usah anak kecil .. gw aja suka .. hihi
orang2an oranye diatas sumpitnya itu sebenernya dijual terpisah, pim. bisa dilepas dan ditempel di sumpit apa aja… jadi sebenernya sih bisa dipake untuk sumpit ukuran orang gede juga…
belinya di Pantry Magic. kalo ga salah, di Kemang juga ada deh.
waaa.. di Pantry Magic ya ? … mauuuu …. !! thanks Thal … :-)