~ pixel art illustration - MDA annual report ~

26 October 2009

MDA annual report
there is a bigger picture, too.

this is our latest pixel art project. the illustration was done a month ago, but i was planning to post it after we get the printed version. unfortunately, the schedule was a bit delayed and i still don’t know when we will get the printed stuff.

originally, though, the client asked us to include Singapore’s Fusionopolis (the blue/white building on the illustration below). i really liked the way the building turned out. it’s such a shame that we had to take it out and replace it in the final illustration.

MDA annual report
and the bigger picture is here, too.

some other details: we (almost) always include ourselves in large pixel art drawings.

MDA annual report

and this time, since the client allowed us to add anything we wanted, we have a few dog guests in the illustration:

MDA annual report

the rottweiler is Bonny, ari’s parents’ dog. the husky is Mumu, nia + bond’s dog. the yellow-ish one is Bubu, noushka’s and ditha’s dog. and the white one with pink collar is, of course, Snowy — aina’s stuffed dog toy. the pink collar is aina’s personal request.

~ comment (6) ~

wow keren banget thal :)

godote | 27 October 2009 - 01:53 | reply

thanks, dot… lagi seneng bikin ginian lagi nih :)

thalia | 27 October 2009 - 03:04 | reply

Baguuuuuuus! :D

ayu | 27 October 2009 - 02:26 | reply

makaciiiiiiii :)

thalia | 27 October 2009 - 03:05 | reply

so they all know each other in through this picture….

mimi | 29 October 2009 - 11:23 | reply

hahaha, right, right! since they can’t sniff each other in real life, let they meet in the a picture or two :)

thalia | 29 October 2009 - 11:57 | reply