~ aina on a running bike pt. 1 ~
today, aina received a gift from her grandparents: a running bike.
we assembled it today and off she went. we thought, this type of bike would be easier for her than her green bike, because it’s smaller and it has no pedals (she’s been struggling so much with the pedals). but it turns out, even a simple pedal-less bike has some kind of learning curve to adjust. aina kept falling out of the bike… she kept forgetting to support and balance the bike whenever she’s on it.
she started out wearing a dress…
but running bikes are no lady bikes, and her dress kept getting caught on the saddle. so, we changed her to t-shirt and shorts.
i think she’s getting a hang of it. sort of. she’s only been trying for about half an hour… we’ll see the progress in the next few days.
~ comment (6) ~
Wih.. hebat dah diajarin roda dua!
Kenapa nggak sepeda roda tiga atau pake roda pembantu gitu Thal?
tadinya sih pake green bike dia, yang pake roda pembantu. tapi kegedean, dan dia struggle banget ama pedalling-nya. trus, omanya mo beliin yang ini. ya, kebetulan :)
lagian, yang ini kan beda ama roda 2 beneran… ngayuhnya pake jalan, hehe.
hahahaaa……, aina jatuh melulu ya..
iya tuh, hihihi. tapi kayaknya karena blum biasa aja. tadi pake abis main lagi :)