~ crown for the princess ~
when the little princess wants a crown,
the little princess gets a crown.
…made out of corrugated cardboard.
it’s been weeks since aina talk about crowns everyday. since there is no real crown, she’s been wearing an imaginary pretend crown. one time, she made a crown out of left-over paper from a papercut doll i made for her. it only lasts a few hours before it ripped to pieces.
so, two days ago, we visited Art Friend and bought the supplies:
- a silver corrugated cardboard, for easy bending. $6, but i think we can make 5 crowns out of this…
- a pack of cellphone decoration jewels for blingbling effect. easier to use, because it comes with sticking backs. and for 2.5 bucks, it’s cheaper, too!
today, while waiting for the soup to cook, we all gathered in the craft room, cutting the cardboard and pasting the jewels. aina enjoys sticking those little jewels. she even got an extra bracelet!
this stuff probably not going to last long, but it sure fun to make! and cheap, too!
~ comment (8) ~
hiihihihih aina centil banget yah pengen pakai tiara hehehe, aku pernah liat anak kecil disini pakai tiara terus serba pink en pakai tutu, terus mikir hmmm jangan2 semua anak kecil pengen pakai tiara like a prices tnyata aina juga
iya fen, kayaknya ampir semua anak cewek pengen jadi princess dan suka warna pink deh… tapi kalo soal centil sih, aina emang centil banget. bangun tidur aja langsung pake crown, trus nari2 balet yang elo ajarin itu, pake “la la la la”…
hmm kira2 berapa lama yah dia suka pake crown en tari balet, nanti kalau mama pulang ke indo kan bisa nitip heheh, aku bisa beliin tiara beneran plus baju balerina warna pink hihihi pasti lucu banget
wah, ga tau ya berapa lama. tapi sih sekarang ini, dia suka banget ama crownnya… emang kapan mama pulang ke indo?
biasanya mama pulang kalau natalan, aku en manda mungkin gak pulang ke jakarta, lg kumpul2in uang buat nanti july ke san diego hehehe (kalau gak ada halangan apa2 seh)
oh, kalo gitu sih, mendingan pas udha deket2 nyokap mo balik, cek lagi aja. soalnya, suka rada cepet ganti haluannya, heheheh.
(mo ikut ke san diego! hu hu hu).
Awwww you guys are too cute, all of you! : )
Asik yah punya anak, jadi seperti punya hobby dan mainan, hahaha…
umur segini pas lagi enak nih, yas! waktu lebih kecil sih, ga ada waktu dan dia juga ga appreciate barang yang kita bikin. but now, she’s like our needy (but fun) little client who keeps us thinking and making stuff to keep her happy. and so far, she looooves what we make for her… happy client = happy designer :)