~ new top for aina ~
at the beginning, i wanted to make a pair of leggings for aina out of leftover materials. as soon as i laid down the pattern, it was obvious that the width of fabric was too narrow. so, i decided to make a dress instead. after cutting the front part of the dress, once again, i noticed that there is not enough fabric for the back part. so, i had to settle with a top for aina. i guess, that’s what happen when you wing it and don’t have pattern.
it was made using a leftover from her old sling and sleeves from my brown pregnancy tees (i cut it off because i wanted a short sleeves). but i got pretty frustrated over the knitted material… it’s so stretchy that it’s hard to sew it neatly. the straight lines are okay, but all the stitches around the neck are squiggly and wavy. i think, i have to redo it in pink color so that even though it’s squiggly, no one can really see it.
it turns out to be a little big for her, especially around the neck area. it’s my fault for not doing any measurements… oops.
i love the color combination, though. aina loves it, too… because it’s PINK! last night, when i was hemming the bottom part, aina ran around half naked because she refused to wear anything else but her new (unfinished, at that time) pink top. i’m a happy, flattered mom.
~ comment (6) ~
salam kenal mba thalia.. numpang nanya yach ^^ biasanya beli fabric di mana aja mba? motifnya lucu2 banget (bukan yg di posting ini sih, kan dah dijelasin di atas hehe, tp di posting2 lain ak ngga bisa post comment).. Kalo di jakarta/bandung ada tempat yg bisa direkomen nggak? thx before yach.. :) Btw aina lucuuuuu bangeettt sihhh!!
hello vicky :) kalo aku sih biasanya beli fabricnya di Spotlight. tapi Spotlight ga ada ya di indo… kalo di bandung sih, aku kurang tau. tapi kalo di jakarta, cari di mayestik aja… bbrp taun yg lalu, aku pulang trus ngeborong kain tanteku yang beli di mayestik… lucu2 banget! dan jauh lebih murah dari di sini.
fyi, barusan abis liat2 archive website ini, ternyata sebagian besar dari barang2 jahitanku yang dipost di sini itu kain2 jepang. rada mahal sih, tapi empuk dan biasanya coraknya lucu2. belinya di spotlight atau nitip sodara untuk dibawain.
Aina looks so excited.
yeah, she did. although she looks excited almost all the time, anyway, he he he.