~ domestic goddess ~
i’ve been such a homemaker today. in the morning, even before ari was awake, aina and i were already in the sewing room. aina was choosing which fabric to use for her pillow case. no matter how much i tried to convinced her, she insisted to use the fabric that i already used for her green dress. she seems to like the pompoms (they’re actually trees, but she thinks they’re pompoms).
oh well, now her sleeping pillow looks like her dress.
after the pillow case is done, i did the laundry, which include aina’s old pillow case (she calls it pukupuku). i tried to ignore aina who kept saying that she misses pukupuku.
before noon, i managed to take aina shopping for cookie cutters that i planned to use this afternoon when i’m making the Kaastengels (cheese shortbread cookies).
right at noon, not long after i got back from the cookie cutter shopping, i got a phone call from Brother telling me that the walking foot for my sewing machine had arrived. yay! instead of telling me to pick it up all the way at Woodlands, she agreed to meet me at the Dover Station. what a nice lady! double yay!
so i took a quick bus ride to the Dover Station. when i got home, aina has already asleep for her afternoon nap. after she woke up, i started cooking the udon for lunch. and while waiting for the soup to cook, aina and i hung our laundry together. she’s getting very good at helping me with laundry.
after lunch, i started to shave the cheese and make the dough. not long, aina came to join me. she then helped me cutting the cookie dough using our new cookie cutters. she chose which shape to use (ooh, star! ooh, tree! ooh, flower!). her tiny fingers kept poking through the dough, tho…
it didn’t last long. she got bored… so, she went and brought all her playdoh stuff, including the roller, the cutter, and the plate. the same exact thing that i was using. i guess she wants to make her own cookies herself, where her fingers can poke into it freely.
so, the three of us working in the kitchen. me with my yellow colored dough and aina with her pink playdoh. ari was busy taking pictures of the both of us and being a helping hand whenever aina and i need a favor. it’s really cute, because when i start to bake the first batch, aina baked her first batch, too, in her toy stove.
anyways, the cookies were big success. they’re almost finished now. and it makes me very happy.
ps: the kaastengels recipe is here!
~ comment (10) ~
Aww… that sounds like a great day of housemaking! Seriously, I am jealous of your skills!
aww, thank you, reese! i never imagine that you — out of all people — could be jealous of my, ehm, skill… what a huuuuuge compliment!
senangnya .. hari yang menyenangkan ya Thal … :-)
iya, senaaaang. tapi capek, bo’… punggung serasa mo copot, trus malem itu langsung tepar… btw, long time no hear, pim?
ya nih Thal … masih ada kok .. masih hobby blogwalking .. termasuk baca blog-loe. Aina tambah gede tambah lucu ya … :-)
hehe, tambah banyak maunya :) tingkah dan tampangnya sih jadi lebih “cewek”… dulu waktu kecil kan sering dikira cowok :P
ga ngeblog lagi, pim?
ya Thal … Aina tambah cewek, dipake’-in rok terus pula ..
Aku mulai nge-blog lagi nih, setelah sekian lama absen dan pindah-pindah alamat. Mudahan yang ini bisa bertahan lama. Di blog ini ini beberapa kali menyebutkan nama-mu … ;-)
asiiik! *bookmark dan mulai baca2*…
looks so yummy….plus a nice week end activity.
it was fun, indeed :) although i have to admit that doing all that on the floor killed my back :P