~ new playdoh tools ~
20 July 2009
this is just a short video of aina playing her new playdoh tools. this one makes spaghetti-like shape. pardon the quality… it was taken at night when the light was rather minimal.
i’m trying to capture as many videos as i can while she’s still in toddler stage. so, this is just one of them. so, expect random videos of either koda or aina showing up in this site once in a while :)
~ comment (4) ~
Wah jago nih Aina bikin mienya.
Chandra Marsono | 22 July 2009 - 01:33
| reply
Are playdoh safe for children under 4 Thal? Gue mo beliin Vira tapi kok ngeri ngebayangin bakal dia makan, apa lagi ada Arkan dirumah.
well, the real play-doh is edible, because it’s non-toxic. it doesn’t taste good, though. and i don’t think it’s meant to be eaten. but if it gets eaten, it’s fine.
i think arkan will have a good time playing with it, under supervision, of course. as for vira… she’ll love it!
but, just a warning: it creates a pretty big mess in our house, hehehe.
or you can make your own edible playdoh: http://www.squidoo.com/Edible-Play-dough-Recipes-Toddler-Activities