~ back from jakarta ~
we’re back. we arrived from jakarta this afternoon, missing koda (who will be here tomorrow), exhausted but glad that Aina didn’t make any fuss during the flight. we were pretty worried about that, because she was crying all day and night yesterday due to her fever.
yeah, fever.
in short, in our trip to Jakarta, i got sick pretty badly, then aina got sick, and we lost ari’s grandma (she passed away on our last day in the city)… the most often visited place in the city during the holiday was the nearby hospital, thanks to my sickness.
as for the other fun stuff (yes, of course there are other stuff, fun ones, too), it’ll have to wait. i still have a bunch of photos to upload, journal entries to write, and a sick baby to take care of.
it was definitely a crazy holiday.
~ comment (5) ~
turut ber belasungkawa thal.
kita gak sempet ketemuan ya.
aku ke jogja tgl 22 kemaren. tgl 29 baru balik tgr.
sama sama sakit nih. gue duluan, abis itu corry, trus sekarang daiva sakit juga. ponakan gue bahkan ada yang kena dbd di jogja, jadinya belom balik lagi ke tgr :(
iya nih, gue juga ga nyempet ngapa2in di jakarta. banyakan tepar di ranjang aja… payah nih. udaranya jelek banget si ya?
Condolences on the passing of your grandma.