~ a new pouch sling ~
aina and i went fabric shopping this afternoon. the plan was to make another carrier for her; a lighter one that i can use at home while doing chores without leaving me (and aina) drenched in sweat. the Bjorn is fine for malls and all, but is a little too hot to wear around our AC-less house.
we bought a pink, light knit fabric. it’s gotta be pink because strangers usually think aina is a boy; i guess, she has a boyish face… i like knitted fabric because they stretch a little and cool enough to wear in this hot singapore weather.
then, i used this instruction to sew the pouch. it was sooo fast and easy to make! in that same evening, we went out to buy Koda’s food sporting the new sling. yay!
i think i’m going to make more slings. perhaps a reversible one with two different fabrics.
~ comment (4) ~
hebat dong buat gituan O.O trus kayanya aina puas tuh
wah keren banget.. salut banget bisa bikin beginian.. kalo dijual bisa laku bgt kali.. BTW kamera ga jadi kayanya indi udah dapet mini DV cam pinjeman, makasih ya!
hehe, gue jualnya on demand aja deh, jadi bisa dipas-in ukurannya ama yang mau. ttg kamera, sori ya, ga bisa bantu :(