~ aina loves sitting down ~

07 October 2007

a few days after aina was born, Andy and Mae came over and brought a Bumbo as a gift for aina. today was aina’s first time sitting on it.

koda likes having aina in bumbo

and she loves it!

she looks very comfortable in there. and i think she loves the fact that she can see things other than the ceiling without being held by somebody. maybe she feels like she’s an adult :)

koda likes it too. she keeps licking aina’s feet whenever aina sits in Bumbo. and aina seems to enjoy it too… i guess it really feels like they’re playing together.

~ comment (7) ~

It must be very helpful to have a Bumbo. nice invention. Good for you that both Aina and Koda like it too.

mimi | 8 October 2007 - 10:50 | reply

Aaaaawww, the pics are so cute :-) Lovely seeing you, Aina and Ari during the weekend. I’ll be coming over to your place with my knitting box, soon!

Morningdew | 8 October 2007 - 10:54 | reply

haha, aina is as round as bumbo!!

chili | 9 October 2007 - 12:07 | reply

hihihi.. lucu bangeet sihhh si aina.. her face looks excited gitu bisa duduk…

sLesTa | 9 October 2007 - 02:48 | reply

I found your farm site first, fell in love with each ami friend. I love the way everything is arranged on your website. You have a beautiful child and some wonderful pictures.

Allison | 10 October 2007 - 02:30 | reply

Awwwww lucunyaaaa!! they are actually playing togather :) I can’t wait to see Aina chasing around Koda…. hahahaha

nathania | 10 October 2007 - 01:57 | reply

There’s been a recall of this product. Just wanted to let you know:
(if link is dead, check Yahoo news)


dt | 26 October 2007 - 09:44 | reply