~ smile video ~
we made it! yesterday, we’re finally able to capture aina’s smile in a short movie. it’s been hard to do this because everytime she sees the camera, she ends up staring at it blankly.
the movie controller will show up as soon as you mouse-over the movie.
oh, by the way, pardon the position of the controller. we couldn’t rotate the movie without rotating the controller along with it. oops.
~ comment (5) ~
LUCU BANGETTTTTTT!!!!waaaaaaaaaa…ga tahan, ampe ktawa2 sendiri..hehehhe..her smile is sooooo sweet!
ohmigod.. thaaaaalll… she’s soooo absolutely super-duper cuttteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
thalia, she just has the cutest smile ever! hehehe….i always luv baby hihihi….
btw, thal email elo ilang. gue mo email elo kemaren cuma tau kemana emailnya masih gue cari2. can you email me first?
elo masih bisa terima job yg gue wkt itu pernah minta gak thal? cuma kali ini ada permintaan khusus gaya ilustrasinya. i need to confirm with them ASAP, and pricenya juga.
email gue segera yah thal….biar gue tau, i should wait for you or not. thanks lohhh sayyyy!!!
aduhhhhhhh lucu banget!!!!!!!!!!!!! jadi pacar Noe mau?