~ 4 week old + what happen last week ~

14 July 2007

wow, it’s been almost a week since the last update. gosh, it’s really hard to find time to write a journal entry when taking care of less-than-one-month infant. but they said, it’ll get easier as the time pass, right?

anyways, what happened in the past week? well, last Saturday, ari’s parents arrived. even though ari’s mom stays here for a month, ari’s dad had to leave and go back to Jakarta last Wednesday due to work.

aina with popo and kungkung

today, Aina is exactly 4 weeks old. we think she can see things little more clear, since her eyes can follow us around. she’s very good at telling us that her diaper is wet or soiled.

she is still a cranky baby, who cries most of the time. she’s been sleeping well at night, just like the schedule — except for last night, where she’s more cranky than usual, keeping her parents up all night.

she still hates bathing. she cries and wails during the bath and looks content right after we put all her clothes on. we think she doesn’t like to be nekkid… and doesn’t like water either (kinda like koda).

she still feeds a lot. and i mean A LOT, like one hour feed per-session, making my nipple kinda sore at the end of the session. hopefully, she grows well, though.

~ comment (6) ~

Saya lupa kasih tahu tentang baby language, tapi harusnya sih udah tahu ya sekarang… :)


semoga bermanfaat :)

hanindyo | 14 July 2007 - 01:56 | reply

wah, blum pernah liat nih… tenkyu yaa!

thalia | 15 July 2007 - 02:16 | reply

She is beautiful! She’ll really enjoy bathing when she’s older and she can play with toys. Enjoy her now; she is at her most precious stage :)

empress | 15 July 2007 - 04:53 | reply

yeah, hopefully, she’ll like bathing soon. i feel bad hearing her wailing every time her body touch the water…

thalia | 15 July 2007 - 02:19 | reply

speaking about visiting yaa… I feel so bad that free time hasn’t been on my side lately… from moving house to final exam all come together soon after the birth of your precious one.
One of these days yaaa… Janji deehh :) hihihi! I have lots of stories to tell… Beneran deh seru! Just wonder when would the best time of the day to visit you?? Don’t want to disturb while you napping…

cynthia | 15 July 2007 - 12:55 | reply

ga papa kok cyn, gue juga sibuk banget. kalo elo ada waktu aja. kalo gue sih, nap time gue tergantung nap-timenya aina… jadi ga ada schedulenya :P

thalia | 15 July 2007 - 02:20 | reply