~ shopping + wall painting pt. 2 ~
we’ve done quite a bit of shopping today: bitter tea for the 8th month, some other Chinese medicine, fabrics for cot’s mosquito net and for water-(pee)-proof sheet for the baby cot. this means, i have to start sewing again… and start drinking the bitter tea again. yikes.
meanwhile, the animal wall is slowly moving forward. we still have a few more animals to draw and even more to paint. i actually enjoy all these drawings and paintings… fun!
~ comment (10) ~
Hahahaha… love that cute monkey swinging on the branch. Btw, I have some photos of you and Ari from the Massive Territory after party, check it out at: http://chandramarsono.multiply.com/photos/album/6
enjoy :)
ow, thanks for the photos! awesome!
Is that a LIGER? Lion and Tiger hybrid?
LIGER is depicted in Napoleon Dynamite.
naah, it’s not liger. there will be lion, too, but it hasn’t been painted. i think liger’s color is much less orange, and closer to sandy color.
jadi kaya temboknya playgroup / kindergarten…hehehe…keren…btw, kenapa temboknya ga warna yang sedikit cerah?
hehe, dari dulu gue pengen punya tembok kayak gitu di rumah sendiri. akhirnya kesampean juga.
kita ga warnain temboknya pake cat tembok, soalnya bau. kan gue lagi hamil. kalo pake cat bau, gue jadi ga bisa ikutan ngecat… jadi, yah, demi kesenangan kami aja… hehe
Lucu2…bisa dijadiin sidejob bikin playgroup heheee. Itu crouching tiger hidden snake :)
haha, ogah ah! gila, punggung gue pegel2 banget nih bikin ginian… ini juga udah berhari2 bikinnya, biar banyak istirahat… gue ga kebayang deh tuh mural/street artists gitu… cape banget pasti!
Oh you guys are awesome parents! I heart your baby room’s animal wall :)
haha, thank you yas :) we try to be awesome parents, although i’m sure it will be much much harder than painting animals on the wall ;)