~ IKEA part 2 - baby’s room ~
we started putting together the furnitures right after lunch and didn’t finish until about 3 hours later. the weather was humid, so we ended up covered in wood chip that sticks to our sticky body… yuck!
but i’m happy that it’s all done. now i just need to move all the clothings, gifts and all into the drawers.
oh, and rearranging the room and finish the wall painting. that would be next week :)
~ comment (11) ~
so it seems everything is almost set except the decoration, we’re very excited too.
yep, i think we got almost all of the big things (except for the bath tub)… we still need to wash all of the clothes and rearrange and paint the room, but i think we’re pretty close :D
Wow, the furniture looks great. Good work. You do know that the fun starts when you peel off the woodchip from each other right??
ih bener banget! kemaren sempet2nya telapak kaki gue kesusuban :(
koda gak ikutan bantuin? ehuehue… beberapa hari ini Ari ninggalin digitalworks untuk ngerjain manualworks dong ya? ;)
koda bantuin nyuruh2 dan ngawasin. dia kan mandor rumah :)
i’m sure you have the “golden finger” now that you’re pregnant. you just point at something and your hubby will make it happen for you…ehhehe…
congrats thal. i’m so excited for both of you!
hahaha, yes! i do have that “golden finger”… that’s just one of the best things about being pregnant ;)
jangan sampai kecapekan ya thal..
biar ari aja yang capek :P
hehe, waktu bikin ini sih emang dia yang capek. soalnya gue cuman duduk2 nyortir paku doang. abis ga terlalu bisa bungkuk2 sih…