~ big baby stroller + gifts ~

18 March 2007

my cousin, Noushka, arrived in Singapore this afternoon and she brought tons of stuff for our unborn little girl. the biggest thing is this:


isn’t it cool? it’s a baby stroller that my mom used to use to carry me around… so, it’s probably around 32 years old. after i grew up, it’s been used by most of my cousins when they’re still babies. it’s amazing that it’s still intact and functional! my mom and my aunts (who used it for their children after i and my brother grew up) took a very good care of it, don’t you think?

since it’s old, it has this vintage look that we like. and it’s probably not as mobile as some of those new ones. we’re planning to use it just for around the area where we live, because it’s probably not compact enough for us to move it in and out of a taxi’s trunk.

the other things that Noush brought for us are:

IMG_5765  IMG_5764

the bear-shaped bib, the thermometer and the booties. they’re so cute! especially the bib :)

those stuffed animals are from my aunt, Chili. she makes tons and tons of handmade stuffed toys and plush, so these are two of them. cool, eh?

soon, we need to buy a cabinet or drawer to store the baby stuff.

~ comment (13) ~

lucu2 amat, salam utk Nouska.

mimi | 19 March 2007 - 10:15 | reply

stroller nya klasik banget…kewl..kaya di pelem2..hehehe…itu sepatunya yang bisa bunyi kalo diinjek yah? :D tinggal beli bantal ma guling kecil (this is my favourite part of baby stuff :D)

andy | 19 March 2007 - 11:44 | reply

engga, itu sepatu biasa kok. kan masih lama bisa jalannya… hehe. bantal ama guling belom. kemaren, baruuuu aja bli kasurnya.

thalia | 24 March 2007 - 12:01 | reply

Wih wih strollernya retro bgt :). Kalo elo stroller, kalo mika dan pascal pake tempat tidur/baby box yg dipake shine dulu :) dan itu juga udah beredar ke kemana2 dan akhirnya balik taun 2001 untuk dipake sama mika.

yoel | 20 March 2007 - 11:13 | reply

iya, sama ama stroller ini. udah muter2 dulu. selain stroller, di koper juga ada selimut dan bbrp baju bekas gue pake waktu kecil. warisan emang top! hihihi.

thalia | 24 March 2007 - 12:02 | reply

wah vintage mba!! yang baru model seperti itu disni mahal banget loh. nanti bisa mutar ke aku yah he3x :D

fenny | 23 March 2007 - 12:13 | reply

hehe, kemungkinan besar sih bakalan turun ke elo juga :) emang vintage, tapi gede banget, jadi mungkin ga terlalu mobile.

thalia | 24 March 2007 - 12:03 | reply

berarti itu kereta yang gue pernah liat di foto elo waktu elo masih keciiiiil :P gila, awet banget yaaaa….

noushka lagi di singapore? liburan? huaaaaa… pengen :P

chibi | 23 March 2007 - 12:23 | reply

iyaaaa. emang gila nih, bisa ga rusak2. ada bbrp bagian yang ada karatnya sih, tapi generally, it’s looking good.

noushka baru aja pulang tadi siang. iya, liburan, sekalian ketemuan ama temen dia yang transit di Singapur (on her way to London) buat bbrp hari :)

thalia | 24 March 2007 - 12:05 | reply

wow that’s a classic! hebat banget bisa terawat gitu

Rani | 24 March 2007 - 12:45 | reply

iya tuh, gue juga terkagum2… moga2 gue bisa ngerawat biar bisa dterusin lagi :)

thalia | 24 March 2007 - 01:27 | reply

Thal. Apa kabar bu…pertama dan terakhir ketemu waktu di Massive Territory. Anyway what a nice-vintage one…i saw some around here in Melbourne, but none of them look as good as yours - talk about perfect shape. My wife is also expecting, she’s in week 21 i suppose (exactly 5 months today). Drop few words in our blogs will ya…? take care. say hi to the hubby

Andira the hi-resness | 27 March 2007 - 10:09 | reply

eh, ada andira… udah pindah ke Melbourne ya? nyokap, adek gue + istrinya juga tinggal di Melb. gimana disono? betah? dan salam buat istri + sikecil yang masih didalem perut! :D

thalia | 28 March 2007 - 11:39 | reply