~ Vox QotD: First Celebrity Crush ~

03 March 2007
Who was your first celebrity crush?
From Vox. Submitted by Glory.

it’s probably River Phoenix. i had a huge crush on him on Stand By Me and started collecting his pictures from magazines.. and i might’ve watched all of his earlier movies. i still think he could’ve been a good actor, if his life wasn’t cut short. too bad.

~ comment (8) ~

Aaah… Stand by Me. My favorite movie as well. Thanks for bringing it up.

ephi | 3 March 2007 - 08:26 | reply

no problem :)

thalia | 4 March 2007 - 12:43 | reply

mine would be ryan phillippe from white squall. I fell for him hard! I love curly hair in men, which probably explains it. :)

Amy | 4 March 2007 - 12:52 | reply

ha! ryan phillippe came later as my other celebrity crush. i fell for him after watching 54, which is kinda creepy if you think about it.

thalia | 4 March 2007 - 04:24 | reply

Ah! River was mine, too! A sad loss.

Noo | 10 March 2007 - 04:48 | reply

Stand By Me…film favorit gw jg…masi inget dulu nontonnya di TV3 waktu jaman parabola…dari awal booming dvd mpe sekarang..ga nemu dvd nya :( must have movie tu padahal :(

andy | 17 March 2007 - 05:02 | reply

ah, masa sih ga ada? tapi gue juga blum pernah nyari sih… cuman itu kan termasuk pilem bagus, rasanya aneh aja kalo DVD-nya ga diterbitin. cobain cari ah :D

thalia | 17 March 2007 - 02:52 | reply

ga ada…udah bertaun2 nyari…yang jualnya kadang ditanya kaga tau pelemnya yang mana..hihihih…ntar kalo uda ada tolong kasi tau ya tante hehe….setengah mati nyari

andy | 19 March 2007 - 03:53 | reply