~ new xbox ~

13 October 2006

yesterday, after visiting the doctor, i went to pick up our new xbox that comes with our new TV. today, ari finally has time to play. so, he installed the console and got busy with it as soon as he woke up.

IMG_5110   IMG_5112

i was amazed on how clean and neat the xbox packaging. it reminds me to iPod’s box. very well done. and the console itself looks very nice and clean, as well.

since we got the xbox core system, we only have one controller. so we can’t really play together.


other than the xbox, the TV also comes with a free game called Perfect Dark Zero, which turned out to be quite neat. we spent the rest of the afternoon taking turns playing the game…

~ comment (17) ~

Wait a second, so everytime you buy that TV, it comes with an xbox for free? Hey… How come we never got those deals here? Hehehehe…

Bellamy | 13 October 2006 - 10:44 | reply

the deal ends at the end of this month, i think. you better check it. it might be there :)

thalia | 14 October 2006 - 12:46 | reply

hmm… i am sensing… i’m detecting low productivity weeks to come…

well, have fun with xbox!!! ;)

avianto | 14 October 2006 - 12:19 | reply

ugh, totally… yesterday, i went for an afternoon nap after playing the game with ari. i woke up 3 hours later and ari is still sitting on the same spot with the same game, holding the same controller… i think i can see the future quite clearly :P

thalia | 14 October 2006 - 12:49 | reply

try the xbox live …

emon | 14 October 2006 - 03:04 | reply

maybe later, once we have more than one game :P

thalia | 14 October 2006 - 12:50 | reply

extra controllers shouldn’t be too hard to come by, last resort would be to get one off the internet.

have fun :D

Marianne | 14 October 2006 - 05:00 | reply

yep, we just bought one last night. now we need the harddisk, which unfortunately the store has ran out of stock.

thalia | 14 October 2006 - 12:50 | reply

masa2 produktif bermain dimulai, gw dulu tuh bisa 3x24 jam maen, berenti cuma makan, mandi dan tidur kalo gantuk + telpon temen kalo mentok heheheee..

yoel | 14 October 2006 - 10:38 | reply

huahahahaha… gila, elo addict juga ya! moga2 ari ga ampe kayak gitu… kasian percraft kalo dicuekin.

tp emang bahaya euy. kemaren, waktu gue tinggal tidur, ampe gue bangun lagi dia masih tetep duduk di tempat yang sama main xbox, selama 3 jam-an.

thalia | 14 October 2006 - 12:52 | reply

ohh sweet tv :D i’m jealous!

your living room is really cute

Icha | 14 October 2006 - 02:02 | reply

aww, thanks! this is the first time i have a flat screen tv :)

thalia | 15 October 2006 - 09:50 | reply

Last month we just bought the new Apple MacBook… and of course for us, who were PC users, finding out some ‘goodies’ inside MAC was like an enlighment… If before we spent hours with our PC for some boring reports… this time we get to spend hours for something fun… Hihihi! Nggak kebayang deh kalo ada flat screen and Xbox… Oh boy! :)

cynthia | 16 October 2006 - 12:12 | reply

oh iya, gimana apple macbooknya? temen gue ada yang mo bli. reliable kah?

thalia | 16 October 2006 - 02:02 | reply

hmmm… ati2 aja… soalnya waktu itu kita dapet barang yang defect…. kalo temperatur nya naik… langsung mati… kita kasus langka kayaknya… trus untung karena masih kurang dari 1 minggu… kita bisa tuker… and so far… belom ada complaint lagi yaa… :)

cynthia | 17 October 2006 - 02:08 | reply

Gila.. beli TV bonus X-BOX… X-D senangnyaaa….

eh.. Ari di sini mirip banget sama Aldo… minus kacamata..hehehe

chibi | 17 October 2006 - 03:42 | reply

hahaha, aldo udah gondrong lagi ya dibandingin waktu kawinan?

thalia | 17 October 2006 - 07:10 | reply