~ daging gepuk belado ~
this is an easy recipes from my aunt, chili. it’s probably one of my favorite Indonesian dishes…
1/2 kg Beef - top side
8 red chili, ground - if you don’t want to be too spicy, take out the chili seed before grinding.
10 shallots, ground
boil the beef, slice to pieces and hammer them with cooking hammer to thin it out. then fry the sliced beef until brown. put it aside.
chili/belado sauce:
heat up 4 tbsp of vegetable oil on medium heat. pour the ground red chili and ground shallot. mix it up. reduce the heat to low and leave it for about 5 minutes.
turn off the heat. salt to taste. toss in the fried beef and mix it well.
serve with hot, fresh-cooked, rice. yummy.
~ comment (6) ~
waah! thanks so much… you just gave me this idea for sahur menu… Btw, did you use both type of red chili? The ‘chili padi’ and the big chili? ‘Cause, there is no cabe kriting…
unfortunately, in the cold storage i went to, there is only the big chili. that’s why the sauce didn’t turn out to be spicy at all.
wah.. kelihatan enak yaa…
salah satu makanan favorit gue. gampang dan enak, hihihi.