~ expecting ~
so, we figured out why i was in such pain last week. it turns out that i’m pregnant! yay! how exciting!
yes, i’m expecting!
so, on Monday, i went to the OBGYN. after a blood sample and a shot of hormone, i found out that i might be pregnant. ari was ecstatic. however, the pregnancy was so early that the little one didn’t show up on the ultrasound scan.
on Wednesday, i went back to the doctor to get my blood sample taken again, to make sure that i am really pregnant.
today, which is Thursday, i got another hormone shot (butt hurt, ouch!) and the confirmation that i am on my 4th week.
next week, i’m going to go for another ultrasound and see if this time we can see the little one.
wish us luck!
~ comment (64) ~
wah super duper selamet! kalo butuh bantuan2 apa2 telpon gue aja.. see you sunday!
eits.. sori mo nanya aja.. itu four month atau four weeks? four weeks deh kayanya.. kalo four months sih pasti udah bisa keliatan di USG
yikes! bener! maksudnya four weeks! gila aja kalo udah 4 bulan, baru nyadar sekarang, hihihi.
thanks ya, ran :)
yaaayy!! congratulations to you both!! so happy for you…
Aaaarrrggghhhh!!! Selamaaaaattttt! Ternyata oh ternyataaaa…. You know what… Ini namanya harus celebrate lagiii…. Aduh! Gue jadi ikutan thrilled banget…
yuuuuk! celebrate lagi yuuuuuk! gimana kalo one of these days, ke Secret Garden buat dinner?
oh my goshhhh congrats! :D
i don’t even know you all that well (though i’ve been a fan of avocadolite since i was maybe 16 years old), but this news just totally made me smile! :)
good luck with everything and keep us updated!
thank you, icha :)
i sure will keep it posted!
wah congrats mbak & ari!!! hehe.. this should be really good news :)
makasii, nda :) doain moga2 sukses ya!
Wooooooo, a BIG C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S to the four of you!!! Yippeeeeee… that’s going to be one hell of a creative kid… ;-) Selamat yaaaa…
thank youuuuu! hoopefully things go well :D
What exciting news! Many congratulations!
thank you! :D
Gee.. Wow..!! Congratulation both of you!! :D Of course.. wish you luck!! :)
yay, thank you!
baru sempet online..dan baru baca…selamat ya ! semoga lancar2 dan sehat2 aja selalu :) amiin
amiiin. trimakasih, ndy :)
thank you juga!
Congrats ibu dan bapak!
makasih oom! hee.
congratulations. i love reading your blog. this post makes me smile.
aww, thank you! glad that you enjoy it :D
Wow, congratulations !
thank you, guest :D
wah congrats bu thal dan pak ari, semoga lancar dan sehat2 aja, avocado jr coming soon… :D
makasih pak yoel!
selamet ya thal…seneng banget …. jaga kesehatan yah….
iya nih, seneng :D makasih ya!
yipee..congratulation yah..keep posting on the pregnancy thing :D
will definitely do! pasti crita2 kok :D makasih ya!
saaahhh aku ketinggalan
selamat ya ari and thal :)
.. aku baru aja mau bilang, kamu berdua asik banget belom ada momongan, makanya bisa maen xbox gantian..
ternyata setelah baca yang ini, hihihi… bentar lagi akan tambah repot ..
sekali lagi yaa,, selamat :)
makasih dote… hehehe. moga2 ntar kalo udah ada momongan, masih tetep bisa main xbox… kan sayang udah dibeli tapi ga dimainin :P
thal & ari, congratulations! yg ditunggu2x akhirnya datang juga. steve, arjuna, cinta and i are very happy for you two! koda udah tahu belom dia bakal ada saingan? hehehe
iya nih! yay, senangnya! thank you :D
koda udah dinasehatin nanti ga boleh kasar ama “adik”nya. mesti ikutan jagain :D
Congrats :-)
thank you :)
hoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…baru sempet baca2(maklum..baru hr ini pasang internet di apartment..)ternyata ada berita mengejuuuuutkan!!!!
ikutan excited ginih!!!!!hahhahaha…waduh waduh..kayanya omikuji yg di Fukuoka bener ya???hahahah..wishing the very best!!
hahaha, iya tuh! ari juga bilang gitu, “wah, ramalan waktu di jepang beneran jadi kenyataan lho! hebaaaat!”… sementara gue masih crossing my fingers… :D
oh iya, jes. bilangin Hitomi-san, kalo gitu, ramalan dia juga mungkin bisa jadi beneran! mo dapet jodoh kan? :D
Congrats, Thal & Ari. Hope everything go well :)
thank you, ayu… *cross our fingers*
Dear Thalia,
I’ve always enjoyed your blog, and to hear that you are expecting is a sweet surprise. :) Congratulations! As a chinese who has a little Indonesian blood coursing through her veins, I throughly enjoyed your posts on your trips!
thank you, amy :) i’m glad that you enjoy the travel stories… hopefully i can write more later!
Selamat Yah..
Udah lama banget ngak baca blog kamu..masih ingeth kan yah ?
Saya juga sibuk ngurusin bayi..yang penting byk makan dan istirahat..OMEDETO NE..
masih dooong! so, is it a he or a she? when was he/she born? pasti sibuk banget ya… udah di NY lagi?
aduh gue juga ikutan excited giniii… semoga lancar & sehat2 sampe lahiran ya Thal :)
trimakasiii! alhamdulillah… telat ya gue dibandingin elo (dan kawan2 yang lain)… hehehe.
huwaaaa… selamet ya… sorry baru tau hari ini, udah lama ga buka internet… btw, sekali lagi selamat ya…
makasii, ran :D
Thalia dan Ari… CONGRATS!!!! *confetti confetti* Maaf baru ‘ngeh’ :P Selamat… selamat… turut bersuka cita menyambut bertambahnya anggota keluarga besar kita ;)
hehe, tenkyuu fa… doain ya moga2 lancar2 aja :D
Congrats, Mba !!!
Selamat jadi ortu yah…!!!
Wish u both all the best..!
makasii vio… insyaallah sukses :D
DEFINETLY good luck. If anything that you’ll not worry. Although, I think that’s next to impossible once you find out.
I remember finding out, at what would have been six weeks. I couldn’t get it confirmed by a doctor until 12 weeks, almost 13. The rest of my time spent in the US was filled with worry. Why this wasn’t hurting or why I wasn’t quite as sick. Something had to be wrong.
But nope, so far so good and nearly half way through. Yet I still worry. Not at all concerned or worried about what will happen afterwards, just now … I dare say because I can’t see it.
But yes! CONGRATULATIONS! and goodluck!
12 weeks? oh, no! that’s a long wait! i’d go crazy is i had to wait that long!
but you’re sooo right. right now, all i do is worry. sometimes i think it’s too good to be true. sometimes, it’s too painful to be right.
so, thank you for sharing the story. i can’t wait to have belly like yours :D
Waaah selamat! Kira2 lahirnya awal Maret juga dong ya spt Noe :)
thank you! maap, salah nulis… 4th week, maksudnya. blum gendut kok. jadi moga2 lahirnya sekitar bulan juni.