~ botanical garden ~

23 September 2006

this morning, before we left for Botanical Garden, a squirrel came in to our kitchen and start eating our banana. the squirrel jumped in surprised when i walked into the kitchen. he (or she?) immediately jumped on to the railings on the window, ready to jump out. i tried to get my camera, but as soon as i moved, he jumped back to his tree… ah well. he comes over a lot anyway. that’s why we keep finding half-eaten bananas in our kitchen…

anyways, koda was very happy and excited because we were going to Botanical Garden with her. she behaved very well in the cab. and, even though she was excited, she wasn’t over-reacting or being hyperactive when we were in the Garden. i guess my baby has grown up…

koda + thalia

she was still her old curious pup, though. she smelled everything! she spent most of the time with her nose on the ground. she even smelled the water.


even though it was quite cloudy, the weather was hot. koda didn’t stop drinking and panting all over the place. good thing that we brought bottles of water with us.

despite the hot weather, the garden was full of people. we even met a bunny on leash. so cuuuute!


i had always wanted to have bebe on a leash. but he used to freaked out and started screaming whenever i put the leash on him. so, i stopped. i could never have brought him to the park… so he was a stay-home bunny…

anyways, the bunny we met at the park was sadly sick. her muzzle was green and one of her eyes were blind. yep, her right eye was really as green as the grass. poor girl.

we spent about four hours under the sun. once we got home, Koda had her lunch, and passed out… she was so tired that she didn’t ask to play ball for the rest of the day.

see the rest of the picture in the album: Botanical Garden Singapore

~ comment (6) ~

Koda must have been very happy. You got many nice photoes of flowers. I like them.

Mimi | 25 September 2006 - 02:54 | reply

koda was ecstatic! and, yeah, i like taking pictures of flowers. i think i’m going to start collecting those :)

thalia | 25 September 2006 - 06:35 | reply

apa jadinya Koda dan kalian tanpa Botanical Garden yah? :) Buset… Koda udah gede banget ya Thal…

chibi | 25 September 2006 - 10:50 | reply

koda masih tetep cungkring kok. itu ilusi… gue pendek soalnya, jadi koda keliatan gede :P

thalia | 26 September 2006 - 02:44 | reply

tampak cerah dan menyenangkan sekali..

andy | 25 September 2006 - 11:22 | reply

sebenernya sih agak mendung. cuman cuacanya panas banget! tapi tetep menyenangkan kok :D

thalia | 26 September 2006 - 02:46 | reply