~ DeviantArt redesigned ~
08 August 2006
whoa, new DevArt!

i was a little disoriented this morning as i entered the site. but i think i’m getting used to it :) i kinda like this new version better than the old one. i haven’t browse around enough, though… so maybe i’ll have a better opinion later…
August archives
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kinda remind me of digg.com tho - it’s so web 2.0. well, at least it’s tableless now ;). can’t complain about that.
ah, i don’t mind the digg look. and the web 2.0 thing, isn’t it a good thing, especially coming from devart?
i just browsed around and found inconsistencies between the current rounded look and the old square-ish look. some of the pages partly still have that old look…
and the site is hella slow!