our artwork contribution for MassiveOffline:
what a long image!
holy cow…it’s cool…really a ‘massive’ artwork :) how long did it take you to finish it?
wah, ga inget tuh, ndy… perhaps around 1-2 weeks, on and off.
Yah… bocoran nih… heuehueheuehue
whatever. ga ada yang bilang ga boleh preview.
Hehehehe, iya sih. BTW, are you coming over?
:( engga bisa… gue baru bisa ke jakarta pertengahan agustus. coba bisa massive-nya dimajuin, hee hee (enak aja thal!).
that’s amazing!! she looks so cool!! ^^
thank you, momo! :)
weleh… ck ck ck… ciamik! bocoran nich :)
ah, om yul juga ngebocorin :P
holy cow…it’s cool…really a ‘massive’ artwork :) how long did it take you to finish it?
wah, ga inget tuh, ndy… perhaps around 1-2 weeks, on and off.