~ dinner with Novi and Steve ~

10 July 2006

you know what i like about living in Singapore? i get to meet so many people that i didn’t get to meet when i lived in NYC or Melbourne. Singapore is a transit city, so, when people travels from the States or Europe to Asia or Australia, they usually stops by Singapore. and when they are in transit, even only for a few hours, i usually get to meet with them.

this morning, i got a phone call from Novi letting me know that she’s in Singapore, and actually somewhere around Holland Village area. she and her husband, Steve, are having a vacation and on their way to Jakarta. so we met up at Coffee Bean, where i was introduced to a friend of theirs, Michael.

later that night, Michael suggested us to go to Original Sin, our neighbor’s vegetarian restaurant… an excellent vegetarian restaurant, i may add. we met up with Novi’s college friend, Natalia, at our house. Koda gets to meet with Novi and Steve. and she gets a little too excited with that many people in the house… Bond, Nia’s boyfriend, was also at our house at that time, although he didn’t end up join us for dinner at Original Sin.


Michael was in charge to order our dinner, since he was the most frequent visitors among us — despite we live only four houses away from the restaurant. honestly, i was impressed by the goodness of the cooking. it was so yummy. too bad it was dark that i couldn’t take pictures of the food. but i think Novi did… we just have to wait and see if she puts the pictures up on her site.

anyways, if i weren’t living in Singapore, i probably would not be able to meet Novi and Yasmina, or had my cousins visited our home because they have something else to do in Singapore… and i love having people around! i wish i could pay them a return visit. i would love to see their cats, Cinta and Arjuna.

~ comment (14) ~

Hehehe, emang enak yah tinggal di hub city seperti Singapore… Tadinya di Belanda juga gitu tuh, hub city Amsterdam… And it’s fortunate that you and Ari don’t have office jobs, and are pretty flexible… Ahhh, we want that kind of life :)

yasmina | 11 July 2006 - 07:30 | reply

ah, that’s right. i guess the fact that we work form home allows us to have more flexible schedule. kesini lagi, yas! kali ini ajak robert! hihihi.

thalia | 12 July 2006 - 01:25 | reply

Hey Thal. Good to know that you’ve met Novi & Steve. I’m excited to meet her soon in Jkt :D

ayu | 11 July 2006 - 08:13 | reply

you know, i was surprised that the two of you are actually uni buddies!

thalia | 12 July 2006 - 01:27 | reply

Sadar ga Thal..kalo in a way, expiration date elo tuh gak jauh beda sama singapore sendiri, semacem port tempat orang-orang ketemu. Gue ‘kenal’ Yasmina di sini, gue ‘nemu lagi’ si Rani di sini juga.. hehehe :P

You have to take me to that vegetarian place (kalo gue ke sana lagi). I am a veggie fetish :P

Soal uni (sea urchin), gue nanya Aldo, boleh ga gue makan sea urchin, dijawab ama pertanyaan lagi ‘boleh ga gue makan anjing?’

oh..segitu sukanya dia ama sea urchin :(

chibi | 11 July 2006 - 08:19 | reply

@Chibi: eh, tapi gue juga bisa ‘kenal’ kamu lewat Asri/Angki/coffeefloat, istrinya cousin gue kan… hehehe… small small world…

yasmina | 12 July 2006 - 01:00 | reply

hee, glad to hear that people actually meet other people on this site. yay! bisa jadi biro jodoh ga ya? hihihi.

fa, makanya kesini lagi! ntar gue ajak ke tetangga gue :) enak lho!

ih, aldo segitunya ama sea urchin? gue sih tergila2 sea urchin, cuman buat dimakan. bukan buat lucu2an. hehehe.

thalia | 12 July 2006 - 01:31 | reply

I have been to the Coffee Bean in Holland Village! My boyfriend’s cousins live in the area. I went to the yarn store upstairs in the centre, too.

Noo | 11 July 2006 - 10:55 | reply

haha, that i’m a regular at that yarn store upstairs! i also live in Holland Village, so next time you visit your boyfriend’s cousins, you should let me know! :)

thalia | 12 July 2006 - 01:32 | reply

@Yasmina: Iya sih.. what a small world yah :P Gue jadi inget, dulu elo nemu kalo gue temen Angky gara2 liat fotonya dia di blog gue ya..hahaha

@Thal: Iya nih..pengen bgt ke situ! Kalo gue ama Aldo liburan ke sono bole nebeng gak? hihihi…
About sea urchin… Abis di mata dia, sea urchin itu kaya dust bunny di film Totoro sih :( padahal siapa tau dust bunny enak juga ya..kalo dimakan :P

btw..Ayu itu Ayu temen gue juga bukan ya?

chibi | 12 July 2006 - 03:29 | reply

Yup, it’s me, fa :)

ayu | 13 July 2006 - 12:40 | reply

silakan nebeng! sangat dipersilahkan kok :)

ps: i think sea urchin is evil. evil in disguise of dustbunny totoro… hihihi.

thalia | 14 July 2006 - 02:06 | reply

mmm…vegetarian restaurant. sounds like a good place, and it also sounds like you had mighty fun. i’d like to go to singapore in the future.

denise | 13 July 2006 - 01:42 | reply

if you do, please let me know. i may be able to suggest you places to go :)

thalia | 14 July 2006 - 02:04 | reply