~ yet another WIP blanket ~
yep, i’m making another blanket. this time i’m venturing into the quilting world. easy quilt, of course. hopefully, this one can get done quicker than the neverending blanket.
i have a bunch of fabric in small pieces, most of them are given by my aunt. so, i figured it should be easy to make square-patterned blanket. so, last night, i start cutting up the pattern and all.
well, it’s all good until i ran out of fabric. so, above is what i got so far, and it’s not even half of the size i want. i guess, it’s time to go fabric shopping. i can’t do it today due to work stuff, so maybe tomorrow?
~ comment (10) ~
this one also needs a lot of patience. gambate ne. by the way, mau di jahit pake mesin apa pake tangan? kalo pake mesin lebih cepat, tapi pake tangan lebih rapi sudut2nya.
kayaknya nyambung2innya sih pake mesin. pas quiltingnya mungkin gabungan kali ya? blum tau juga sih, soalnya ada kemungkinan mesin jaitku ga kuat (atau ga muat) buat quilting.
dont forget to also take pictures once you’re done!
(ps. you continue to amaze me with your diligence and creativity)
thank you! i certainly will!! :D
dari patternnya sih manis banget nih bakalan :)
suka warna cokelat ya, thal?
hehe, engga juga sih. warna favorit gue itu oranye dan ijo kok :)
ah jadi inget selimut mika, mirip2 macem gitu, dia dikasih sama temennya shine, gw juga inget selimut nenek gw, gabungan dari berbagai jenis bahan, nice thal!
makasiii :) iya,emang pengen bikin slimut kayak gitu. slimut nenek2, hihihi.