~ finished curtains ~
yay, the WIP curtains are finally done! the front room — previously called Koda’s room, because she used to sleep there when she was only 3-4 months old — now has its own curtains and now habitable. this room supposed to be the guest room. but since it didn’t have curtains, the guests have been sleeping in the craft room instead. we were going to buy the curtain in IKEA, but it turns out that the window is pretty wide, and the IKEA curtains couldn’t cover the whole width.
so, i thought maybe i could just make the curtains myself. it could be my first sewing project, where i could teach myself how to sew something simple (all straight lines!) and make something useful at the same time.
well… it takes much longer than i thought it would be. we didn’t buy the sewing machine until six months later. and i got intimidated working on a curtain as my first sewing project. so, i made a bag as the first project. the curtains, which is the second project, is finally done, after a long 10-month wait. it’s about time, huh?
oh, by the way, happy 666 day… ooooh, scary.
~ comment (13) ~
agak2 berkesan batik ya Thal, at least pas pertama sekilas gw liat, kesannya kayak batik. baru pas diperatiin bener2, ketauan motifna :D
mungkin yang bikin kayak batik itu gara2 kain dasarnya warnanya off-white kali ya? atau semua yang bercorak ramai kesannya kayak batik?
Thal..gambarnya kok ga keluar?
oooh… bukan batik ya?
ya gw kira itu batik mula-mula.
kain-kain perca yak? hihihih.. tapi keren loh. cantolan ke atasnya ga di close up ya? pake model apa, thal?
pake model jepitan, beli di IKEA. bunderan2 itu digantungin jepitan yang ngejepit ke kainnya. jadi gue ngga usah bikin lubang di kain. hehe, gampang :)
the curtains look great! are the panels on the bottom appliqued on or is it an actual sewn row of fabric? i’m probably not asking the question right. i guess i want to know if the curtain is one huge piece of fabric with the bottom square sewn on top or if the two rows at the bottom are attached separately. did that make sense?
haha, don’t worry, it makes total sense :D basically, i couldn’t find the right color fabric that is wide enough to cover the whole window and has the right color. so the row of panels serves both as a decoration and a way to patch two fabric together without looking too obvious.
the curtains look great!
still seems”aneh” to me that i can go to ikea here in so.cal & you can go to the same store in singapore
& buy the EXACT SAME products.
ah,the joys of a global economy.
thank you! hehe, yeah… just like 7-11 and mcdonald’s… :P