~ meet bun ~
meet bun. a very tiny bun. she’s smaller than my thumb’s nail, and supposedly, i have a very small hands and fingers.
no, no… i didn’t make her — although i wish i did. i bought her from a little shop on the way to Dazaifu Shrine during our trip to Japan. she’s currently falls into one of my prized possessions. she keeps me company when i do my crochet.
i think she is the smallest fabric bunny i’ve ever seen. she is made out of kimono fabric. i, ehm, squealed when i saw bun… i thought, “how could anyone sew something this small?”… but then, when i went to pay for bun, i saw that the old lady in the shop was sewing another light green little rabbit. what a skill! what a patience! what an eye sight!
someday, i would like to be able to sew like the old lady in that shop.
~ comment (18) ~
1st thing came into my head… how on earth did they do it?? with magnifying glass?? :D
i know, right? ama pake pinset…
aneh… gambarnya ga muncul, yang ada warning “stealing bandwidth” dari avocadolite :( i have to see the pic from flickr…
hmm, emang suka gitu tuh kalo lagi ada yang stealing bandwith. tapi sekarang kayaknya udah baek lagi tuh.
I love bun!
me too! me too! ^^
wow, that is so very cute! now i want one too.
hee, i almost bought all 6 that available in the store… but didn’t have enough money :P
duh thal…lutuwww bangettt…so cutteeee…anything from ur farm is so dammmn cute and adorable. u made me want to make one of those. any suggestion on how i should start? since gue di jkt gitu loh….no ideas banget how to start or get the materials. pengen deh gueee…i envy your collection banget neh hehe….
eeeh, yang ini bukan gue yang bikin! ini sih gue beli.
klao mo bikin crochet toys gitu sih, di jakarta malah banyak banget bahannya (ampe gue nitip ama temen gue yang mo kesini). acrylic yarn is the best kalo mo bikin gituan. di miki moto (kalo ngga salah itu deh nama tokonya) ada banyak warna dan thickness…
Bun is the cutest thing!!!!!!!
i knoooow! i wish i could make something like that!
wah…kecil banget ya….telaten banget yang bikin. Ayo coba bikin ….kutunggu hasil karyamu yang terbaru yah…. :D
hahaha… kalo yang kayak gini sih, masih ga tau kapan bikinnya! kayaknya ga bakalan pernah se-skilled ini deh jaitan gue :P