~ bed has arrived! ~
yep, the new bed frame has finally arrived! i’m sooo happy. in the past eight month, we’ve been sleeping on the mattress on the floor. and it gets dirty easily, especially with koda shedding her fur. sweeping and mopping the room have been pain in the ass. we had to pull out the mattress off the floor during the cleaning. i think, having a bed frame makes it much easier to clean the room.
yeah, our bed floats in a weird angle in the middle of the room. this is because the bedroom walls do not form 90 degrees angle with each other. so having the bed against the wall leaves weird spaces on the sides. since we don’t have much stuff on the room, we thought it’s kinda neat having it floats like that.
by the way, duvet cover with knitted material is very comfortable. but it’s very hard to make it look neat…
~ comment (22) ~
i love the last picture of the left where koda’s head is just slightly seen. it’s so cute!
that’s my and ari’s favorite picture as well!!
Gile loe… foto-nya seperti iklan2 skandinavia sekali, hehehehehehe
hahaha, tapi di iklan2 skandinavia, seprei ama selimutnya ngga kusut kayak di foto gue… ^^
ih keren
kusut pasti abis dipakai yaaa :D
engga, baru diganti malah. blum ditidurin. bahannya dari kaos sih, jadi susah buat dilurus2in.
akhirnyaaaa… :) congratulation… biar pake delayed segala, tapi hati kan tetep puaaasss… tidurnya pun bisa lebih nyenyak… Hihihi!
iyaa! senangnya! hihihi.
keren!it looks like a picture out of the ikea catalogue!
hehehe, except that in IKEA catalogues, there won’t be pictures of wrinkled sheets and duvet covers ;)
wah.. naksir cermin yang di pojokan itu:p ikea juga kah??
btw, koda di balik kasur itu imut sekali. hehehe.
cerminnya bukan IKEA. nemu di department store deket rumah yang lama. murah meriah… cuman jadinya cerminnya agak bengkok2. bikinannya kurang bagus. mungkin karena murah ya?
kalian sabar sekali ngisi rumah., which is the best way to do it. jadi lebih selective. a huge painting would be nice tuh…
hihihi, kendala duit, nov ^^
When you buy this thing, does it come with a grown dog? :D
hihihi… btw, koda is not a grown dog yet. that’s what the vet told us….
wih keren, itu warnanya apa thal, agak2 abu2 yah?
tenkyu… :) warnanya kira2 ampir item, tapi masih keliatan serat kayunya. gelap banget sih emang.
wah…tempat tidurnya keren banget…!! Minimalis banget, trus kamar tidur mu mau ditambah apa-apa lagi gak ? atau emang mau simple begitu aja ?
hehe, ini jadi minimalis bukan karena sengaja kok. emang lagi ga punya duit dan waktu aja buat dandanin :P