~ play with photos and monitors ~
i needed to take a break from my work last night, and started to play around with my camera and the monitors i have. basically, i take pictures of images on my monitor. after a few dumb photos, i chose one old photo of mine and tried this:
i viewed the picture on the CRT and take a photo of it. i viewed the picture again on the LCD of my laptop and took another photo of it. i uploaded it on to the computer, and this is what it looks like…
CRT on the left, LCD on the right.
then, i viewed the CRT photo on the CRT monitor and took another picture of it. next, i viewed the CRT photo once again in the LCD and took picture of it, again…
as you can see, i keep forgetting to move my mouse… so i have this little white things on my hair…
CRT on the left, LCD on the right.
i did the same thing with the LCD picture… i viewed it on the CRT and took another picture of it, then viewed it on LCD and took more picture of it.
CRT on the left, LCD on the right.
while the CRT versions just distorts everything, i kinda like the way the LCD version turns out. although it’s not too apparent in these small pictures, it looks like i’ve applied some kind of Photoshop filter (or, that’s what ari said… i thought it looked like a Lomo picture…). although, the more often you do it, the more washed out the picture turns out…
~ comment (14) ~
and too many monitors to play with.. (yeah two is hardly _many_, but for the sake of rhymes, so there..)
OMGLOL, you are stuck in an infinite loop…
was thinking of keep going, but it got stale real quick… hehe.
hei, aku pernah bikin spt itu
tapi objectnya beda.
1. aku potret desktopku beserta walpapernya.
2. set the pic as wallpaper
3. shoot it again, make it as wallpaper
4. idem
nanti malem aku post di flickr deh :)
oya? mo liat dooong!
swasembada puja?
eh? apa itu artinya?
swa = self
sembada = generate
puja = glorification
ah, in other words: narcissism?
then, the whole site is about swasembada puja :D
whoa, you have too much time on your hand, girl! :D
ten minutes is a short break compare to the time i’ve spent on a particular project today… :P