~ whoa, another monitor! ~
ari and i was about to leave Will’s house, after a meeting, when he asked us whether we need a new monitor. we laughed and told him that we just bought one yesterday.
he just bought a new Apple flat screen, so he needed to get rid of his old monitor. he pointed to an 18” Philip CRT laying around near the chair. it’s huuuuge! jokingly, i asked how much it was. he said, “umm… 50 bucks?”
i looked at ari. he grinned and nodded. he pulled out his wallet and gave $50 to Will.
thanks to impulse buying (it was less than 2 seconds decision time), i have an extra monitor, too! yay!!
~ comment (4) ~
/me just sold my 17inch crt-flat monitor for $34.. it’s a little brownish effect on the screen though.
aw, so cheap! my old CRT turns brown as well. i think this one is still as clear as new. although, i feel like it’s flickering… and it gives me headache. i’m hoping that is because it hasn’t been used for quite some time.
murah banget gitu lho..
gimana kalau aku tuker ama sepedanya deva?
kebetulan banget, dote. gue juga ngga yakin sih ama kondisinya…
ntar deva naik monitor, jalan2 di kompleks? hihihihi.