~ Nocturne 2005 ~

13 February 2005

on the Valentine’s Day eve, ari and i went to see Nocturne 2005 by the NTU Guitar Ensemble. it’s an annual event, and ari has attended the previous year as well. Oscar, his cousin who were the photographer of our wedding here in Singapore, is one of the performers in the ensemble.

it’s more entertaining that i thought it would be. aside from the usual guitar ensemble songs, they also played strange songs to hear from guitar, like the Doraemon theme song and Super Mario Bros OST (!!). they also played many familiar Indonesian songs, like Bengawan Solo, Manuk Dadali, Gundul Pacul (hihihi), and of course, the Kopi Dangdut (which is actually a Latin American song called Moliendo Cafe).

~ comment (4) ~

thal, sorry telat bgt… gue blom ngucapin selamet buat elo ya.. maklum de ke sininya juga nggak teratur :D. moga2 bahagia selalu… ada rencana mo punya anak dlm waktu dekat? btw, anak gue udah mau dua.. doain ya :D

yanti | 14 February 2005 - 11:17 | reply

aww, thanks! dan congrats!! wah, produktif juga elo yaaaa! hihihihi.

thal | 16 February 2005 - 11:49 | reply

that was a good way to spend valentine’s day. we were gonna go to a nice restaurant but i cancelled last minute ‘cuz i was not in the mood to dress up. we ended up spending it…in bed;)

novi | 15 February 2005 - 02:52 | reply

aw, we didn’t do anything on Valentine’s day either. we didn’t make any reservation for dinner, and practically all restaurants were swamped with couples holding flower bouquet. we ended up eating crappy sushi and yummy durian at home. he he he.

thalia | 16 February 2005 - 11:52 | reply